Good Day all

it is Probably a long day, i cant think Straight now.

i have a table that looks like this

Nodeid   Parent   Description     Type      Curr
89	 NULL     Compulsory        1	     10
90	  89	  B1052	            3	     10
2820      89	  One of	    2	     10

4113	89	  B1061	            3	     10
2821	2820	  B1054             3	     10
2822	2820	  B1055             3	     10

Now the Red Record needs to be on top of "One of" because the Parent is "Compulsary" with the "Parent" = 89. Now Even "One of " has the Same Parent as the red record but if its a "One of " and they have the same parent, then "One of " must always be below the record. What i mean is that if there is a record with a same parent but different Type , the one that has type 2 should go below the one that has type 3 in my query. here is my query

select distinct, nP.NodeID, nP.parent, nP.Description, nRef.ID refParent, np.type 
 from #Nodes nP
left outer join #Nodes nRef on nP.Parent = nRef.NodeID	-- look up the reference id of the parent
order by  refParent,,np.type desc

Thank you

Thanks now i have Changed my Code to look like this and its working perfect in SQl when i test it.

select distinct, nP.NodeID, nP.parent, nP.Description, nRef.ID refParent, np.type 
from #Nodes nP
left outer join #Nodes nRef on nP.Parent = nRef.NodeID	-- look up the reference id of the parent
order by  np.Parent,np.Description,np.NodeID

And it returns

Nodeid   Parent   Description     Type      Curr
89	 NULL     Compulsory        1	     10
90	  89	  B1052	            3	     10

4113	89	  B1061	            3	     10
2820      89	  One of	    2	     10
2821	2820	  B1054             3	     10
2822	2820	  B1055             3	     10

and its Good thanks.

am binding the values to a Tree Control like this

public void PopulateTreeFromCurr(int currID)
        // CurrStructDataSource calls sp_Traverse_Tree which returns an inordered list of nodes for a tree
        IEnumerable result = CurrStructDataSource.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
        // ID, Parent, Child, Description, Level, i
        int Parent, Child;
        ArrayList CurrNodes = new ArrayList();

        if (result != null)
            // an ordered set of nodes is given. parent always before current node except for root            
            foreach (System.Data.DataRowView row in result)
                TreeNode newnode = new TreeNode(row["Description"].ToString(), row["NodeID"].ToString());
                CurrNodes.Add(newnode); // should setup a lookup between the id given by the ArrayList and that of the node
                // as we add the nodes, we can set up the hierarchy
                if (row["refParent"].ToString() == "")
                {   // don't have to add the root node to another node-it is the root
                    Parent = Convert.ToInt32(row["Parent"]);
                    Child = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"]);

                    TreeNode ParentNode = new TreeNode();
                    TreeNode ChildNode = new TreeNode();
                    [B]ParentNode = (TreeNode)CurrNodes[Parent];[/B]
                    ChildNode = (TreeNode)CurrNodes[Child];
                    CurrNodes[Parent] = ParentNode;
            if (CurrNodes.Count > 0)
                // Add the first root compulsory which has all nodes attached to it

in the code i get an Error in the bolded red part line

ParentNode = (TreeNode)CurrNodes[Parent];

and it says

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

You could do something like this with your query:

Select *
From Table
Order By (Case When Parent Is Not Null Then Parent Else NodeId), NodeId

You need to handle DBNull.Value in your C# application. You cannot convert a database null value to int 32.

if (row["Parent"] == DBNull.Value)
  Parent = 0; //no parent
  Parent = Convert.ToInt32(row["Parent"]);

This Query works

select distinct, nP.NodeID, nP.parent, nP.Description, nRef.ID refParent 
from #Nodes nP
left outer join #Nodes nRef on nP.Parent = nRef.NodeID	-- look up the reference id of the parent
order by, refParent

but it Brings undesired results , but this one in the treeview control

And this Query from the SQL side gives me Good REsults but it give me an error of indexoutofbounds in my code

select , nP.NodeID, nP.parent, nP.Description, nRef.ID refParent 
from #Nodes nP
left outer join #Nodes nRef on nP.Parent = nRef.NodeID	-- look up the reference id of the parent
order by refParent,np.Description

Can you help me arrange the Order by

Can you upload a sample project with your tree list population code and an SQL Query with the CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO statements to get me test data for this?

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