Hello! I need some help please..
i searched a lot, and tried everything... can someone help me please..
here's the deal:
i have this select:
FROM localizacao, cliente, dispositivo
WHERE disp_id = clien_disp_id AND disp_id = local_disp_id
ORDER BY local_id desc
it's output:
but what i really want is:
i want to select my client's, but where local_id is the last id i receive.. but i don't wanna show repetitive client's, i just want to show the last local_id for each client....
i want like to show only this ones: http://i.imagehost.org/0883/tabela2.jpg in the red circle
you know what i mean?
it's like two order by's but not showing repetitive client's... i tried distinct... but maybe im making it wrong..
help :s
thanks a lot