
This is my first post so go easy :)

I’m in the middle of designing a website users can download files from. I’ve searched the web and found the perfect example of what I’m trying to achieve which is something clear and simple (http://www.getfreefonts.info/free_fonts.a.html)

From the category’s at the top A-Z how, can I return the results with a hyperlink and example of the font? I’m new to web designing (only done 1 before) but I know I need mysql and PhP.


Here is an example.

for($i=65;$i<=90;$i++) {
	echo "<li><a href='char.php?alpha=".chr($i)."'>".chr($i)."</a></li>";
if(isset($_REQUEST['alpha'])) {
	$alphabet = $_REQUEST['alpha'];
	echo "You selected alphabet: ".$alphabet;
	* Then you can query the table for fonts starting from the selected alphabet like
	* $query = "select * from fonts_table where font_name like '%".$alphabet."%'";
	* Then display the results.

Maybe you can also save an image of the font (like this, http://www.getfreefonts.info/samples/aajaxsurrealfreak.gif) in the table along with the font_name. Then display corresponding font image next to its name.

Thanks for the reply I really appreciate it. My first post and Ive already met one of the good guys.

One more question though. Instead of having an image to show the font type could I not have some text instead pulled from a database field written in the font.

Ofcourse you can. But for that, you should make sure all the required fonts are installed.

Ofcourse you can. But for that, you should make sure all the required fonts are installed.

Yea I only thought of that onces id posted, DoH! :)

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