Hello every one
i downloaded "microsoft sql server 2005" and installed it correctly but i m now confused b'coz i can't find Query Analyser.Can any one help me out of the situation .

I'm guessing you are coming from a SQL 2000 environment. If you want to write a query, just click the New Query button. You can also analyze the query in the Database Engine Tuning Advisor (Tools->Database Engine Tuning Advisor).

well thnx 4 da reply,but after installation of the software i got only "Configuration Tools" .

Yo should download SQL Server Management Studio Express from Microsoft download center

Oh, SQL Server Management Studio didn't install. Which version did you install? Standard? Express? As long as it wasn't the Express edition, you should be able to install SSMS. If you installed Express, follow JuhaW's instructions above and install the scaled down Express version.
It should have installed on it's own, but there are known issues:

Hello every one
i downloaded "microsoft sql server 2005" and installed it correctly but i m now confused b'coz i can't find Query Analyser.Can any one help me out of the situation .

SQL Query Analyzer is of SQL Server 2000 but SQL 2005 doesnt have.
You will need SQL Management Studio Standard/Express, search for the setup from google and install.

Thanx a lot buddies my problem was solved after i downloaded "SQL Management Studio Express" :). Earlier i only downloaded "Microsoft SQL 2005 Server Express Edition" .

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