hello all

in table1 I have

Date Value
2/1/2010 100
2/2/2010 110
2/5/2010 95
3/4/2010 150
3/15/2010 220

how to sum the value according to it's month ?
so I got Pebruary' sum value=315
March sum value =370


I don't think you can sum a table that isn't int. Can you put the values in 2 different tables date in 1 amount in another?

This worked for me dateof is the table name in database test

select SUM(CONVERT(INT, right(dateof,3))) as total  from test
where dateof < '1/7/2009'

I would try with this:
left(cast(Date as nvarchar),1) as Month
sum(Value) as Value

Group By left(cast(Date as nvarchar),1)

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