Ok, I am looking to start a database, fillable by members that I add, with some of the following information.

Personal Info:
About Me

Vehicle Info:
Car Make
Car Model
Engine Modifications - (this area will be need to be multiple lines, say upwards of 20?)
Suspension Modifications - (same as above)
Visual Modifications - (saa)
Interior Modifications - (saa)

Dyno Numbers (hp/tq) -
1320' Time / Trap - (this one I would like to store in another database, and make a whole 1/4 Mile list, sorted by fastest time)
Others -

Ok, now that I have confused even myself, I think I could make the HTML for displaying the info, but my guess is that since it has to look in a db, that its going to need to be a php page. Correct?

My site is www.loosenutscc.com and the temporary site is www.loosenutscc.com/site with the members page being the one I want to work on. I would like to have it setup similar to how it is, with a little paragraph about the person, then when you click thier car, it will bring up another page, with some pics down the left side, and info about the person (the database part) on the right.

This sounds too hard.. someone wanna do it, and i'll just pay you? LOL


I forgot to add, we use globat as our webhost, so whatever database services they offer, are what I have.


Hi everyone,

You can implement one using Basic, Java or C/C++. Yes you can use php but if you can also use applets or applications or whatever suits your needs. Actually Rapid-Q has a good very simplfied tutorial on database creation, i think its chapter 4 if i am not wrong. Searh on Yahoo, you are sure to find an answer

Richard West

commented: unhelpful +0

ok it looks to me, like you will have 1 table for persons information,

1 table for cars information this will allow for each person to have more than one car (grrr to people who say one table)

so you'll need a primary key, this will be email address.. as this is the only unique identifier.

so both tables will need email address in with exactly the same properties, and the relation between them will be a one-to-many from the perosnal info to the cars.

now once you have built this database tell us the database type (sql, access..etc) the name of the db ie cars.sql etc or mdb if access..

also you will be doing this with either php or asp BUT) don't worry you only have to use asp/php code for the database connection strings and queries the rest you can build in html

Hi everyone,

You can implement one using Basic, Java or C/C++. Yes you can use php but if you can also use applets or applications or whatever suits your needs. Actually Rapid-Q has a good very simplfied tutorial on database creation, i think its chapter 4 if i am not wrong. Searh on Yahoo, you are sure to find an answer

Richard West

if this is a web based database (which i got the impression from) then there's no real point in using vb or c or to be honnest anything other than asp/php &html as they'll only be un usable or unefficient for a web based application.

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