in mysql i have a field named S_No which i placed on auto_increment. whenever i delete the second row from the database and next time when i m trying to add another row in database its starts from the 3rd incremental value and basically i don't want it, i wana that it again starts from the second incremental value.
thankful on reply.....

sorry, but that's how auto-increment works.

live with it.

i wnt to knw that what you are using at your frontend with mysql as a back end......coz if you are not satisfied with mysql auto increment then you can use loop in your frontend for auto increment...........

i wnt to knw that what you are using at your frontend with mysql as a back end......coz if you are not satisfied with mysql auto increment then you can use loop in your frontend for auto increment...........

.....Thanks PreetG on reply
i m using phpMyAdmin interface,
and hopefully u understood on my problem.... so plz if u have any better idea so plz share with me, i w'll be thankful to u...

The reason auto-increment doesn't reuse values is to avoid the same id number being used more than once, I.E. to guarentee unique values.

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