Hello , I am working on getting this Mortgage repayment calculation code to work for my Access07DB, the code for was copied from some 2006 post on a vb forum. But some things I cant get to work
I will put the bad lines in red
Option Compare Database
Private Sub CmdMortgageCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdMortgageCalc.Click
'Calculate the Monthly Payment'
Dim dblAmount, dblMonthlyRate, dblMonths, dblMonthlyPayment As Double
'Convert input values to numeric values'
dblAmount = CDbl(txtAmount.Text)
dblMonthlyRate = CDbl(txtRate.Text) / 100 'allows interest rate to be entered whole number'
dblMonths = CDbl(txtYears.Text)
'Format input values'
txtAmount.Text = FormatCurrency(dblAmount)
txtRate.Text = FormatPercent(dblMonthlyRate)
txtYears.Text = FormatNumber(dblMonths)
'Calculate Payment '
'Results for listbox should be new loan balance and interest rate'
Dim PVal, FVal, mPayments As Integer
Dim APR, iPayment, TotInt As Double
Dim pPayment, TotPrincipal, dblBalance As Double
PVal = dblAmount
FVal = 0
APR = dblMonthlyRate / 12
mPayments = dblMonths * 12
dblBalance = dblAmount
For period As Integer = 1 To mPaymentsiPayment = IPmt(APR, period, mPayments, -PVal, FVal, 1)
pPayment = PPmt(APR, period, mPayments, -PVal, FVal, 1)
lstLoanInterest.Items.Add (FormatCurrency(TotPrincipal).PadRight(25) & FormatCurrency(iPayment).PadRight(25) & FormatCurrency(dblBalance).PadLeft(25))
Debug.WriteLine(" Pmnt #" & period & " -> Principle =" & FormatCurrency(TotPrincipal).PadRight(14) & " Int Paid for Payment #" & period & " is " & FormatCurrency(iPayment) & " Bal. =" & FormatCurrency(dblBalance))
TotInt = TotInt + iPayment
TotPrincipal = TotPrincipal + pPayment
Dim monthlyPayment As Double
monthlyPayment = CDbl(iPayment + pPayment)
dblBalance = dblBalance - (monthlyPayment - iPayment)
lstLoanInterest.Items.Add (" _______________________________")
lstLoanInterest.Items.Add (" Total interest paid: " & FormatCurrency(TotInt))
lstLoanInterest.Items.Add (" _______________________________")
lstLoanInterest.Items.Add (" Total Paid after: " & mPayments & " Payments = " & FormatCurrency(TotInt + TotPrincipal))
lstLoanInterest.Items.Add (" _______________________________")
lstLoanInterest.Items.Add (" Last Payment is an interest payment of course, and it is " & FormatCurrency(iPayment))
'Format answer '
dblMonthlyPayment = CDbl(iPayment + pPayment)
txtMonthlyPayment.Text = FormatCurrency(dblMonthlyPayment)
End Sub
(bad rolf harris impersination) "Cenya tell wat it is yet?"
would really really apreciate if someone can see the glitches