ok I had an insert query that worked fine when using Access as my datasource, but I wanted to start using MySQL, so now when I run the insert statement, I get an error that says Filed "bulbID" doesn't have a default value. This error didnt occur with Access, so not sure what changed or is different now in MySQL. Here is my INSERT INTO query:
<cfset CurrentPage=GetFileFromPath(GetBaseTemplatePath())>
<cfif IsDefined("FORM.MM_InsertRecord") AND FORM.MM_InsertRecord EQ "form1">
<cfDump var="#FORM#">
<cfquery datasource="rlbulbs">
INSERT INTO rlbbulbs (item, brandID, bulbDesc, cost, price, qtyPerPrice, qtyInStock, wattage, voltage, acDC, base, glass, filament, avgLife, beamAngle, oldPage)
<cflocation url="bulbView.cfm" addtoken="no">
<cfquery name="rsBrand" datasource="rlbulbs">
FROM rlbbrand
ORDER BY brandName ASC
If anyone needs me to post my MySQL table structure, I will do so. Thanks in advance for any help!