Hi all.
I've been making a site for my gymnastics group. I've got some background on both programming, mysql and PHP, mainly from university classes. However, all the projects where done in localhost, and now that I'm getting in the "real world" I'm having a few problems...
The two main problems right now are:
1. The "public" user isn't accepted... and it seems I lack the privileges to GRANT anything to public user. Any ideas why?
2. I've been developing the site on localhost and all was ready to go. When I uploaded the files and started testing the routines in a reserved area for members, it started giving the following error:
Error 1370 : execute command denied to user 'airfapt_clusher'@'localhost' for routine 'airfapt_airfa.inserir_noticia'.
I've read a few thing about a "definer" field, but couldn't understand how to use it... The code for the routine is:
create procedure airfapt_airfa.inserir_noticia(in modalidade char(20), in corpo text, in data_n date)
start transaction;
insert into airfapt_airfa.noticias(data_n, modalidade, corpo) values(data_n, modalidade, corpo);
end &&
I hope you guys can help me out...
Thanks in advance!