i was installing sql 2000 on win 7 but it gave a message something like "sql have compatibility issues with this version of windows".

I want to use sql 2000 with vs2005. Is it possible to run sql server 2000 on win 7?
If yes how can i run it on windows 7.


SQL Server 2000 isn't supported on Vista+ OS's. The install will be blocked by Windows. Migrating MSDE to SQL Express may be the best option.

The simple reason being, windows 7 is a 64 bit os and SQL 2000 is 32 bit software.

Although you can install SQL Server 2000 on Windows 7 with some workarounds, it will not work properly. You can see several errors in both the database server and in Enterprise Manager MMC.
Only SQL Server 2005 SP3 or greater and SQL Server 2008 SP1 or greater are supported in Windows 7 by Microsoft.

You can quite happily install SQL 2008 R2 Express, Though I would ensure you get the with tools installer. It will support up to 10Gb. Though you will not get SQl Agent functionality.

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