There are lots of stand alone programs (sqlitespy, sqlitestudio, etc) that give you nice spread-sheet style access to tables:

but does anyone know of a web based way to do this?



phpmaker and aspmaker both have multiline edit options and demos available from the web site. You can also download it and run it for 30 days trial.

@rch1231, that doesn't seem to be web based?

@pritaeas, that is for MySQL. You were supposed to read my mind and know I was trying to use SQLite3 :)

I did, but I thought you'd read mine too... Surely you're able to tweak it ;)

I am confused as to why you would believe that either a PHP page or ASP page would not be web based... PHPMaker generates the PHP pages that allow you to access several different types of database on a web server (MySQL, MS SQL, etc.) and one of the options for the list page is Grid edit.

From their features page:
Optional Grid-Add, Grid-Edit, Inline-Add, Inline-Copy, Inline-Delete, Inline-Edit right in the List page.

It is really pretty slick giving you drop-down lists, radio buttons and table lookups within the grid edit section that you have on the individual add pages.

All you have to supply is the database and a server running PHP that is accessible to the web.

Oh I see, I just saw the screenshot that looked like a standalone application and assumed it was a standalone application - but I guess it is, but generates a webpage. Also yuck, it's not open source :( When I start to find bugs they will never be fixed! haha. Also, I don't know if we have the budget to buy something like this - the free-er the better :)

Also, it doesn't look like it supports SQLite?


If you're working on a worthwhile project and it can't afford a budget of about $150, it's not really a worthwhile project, is it?

Although I didn't notice it supporting SQLite either.

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