A module leader supervises 1..5 modules. Many module tutors can teach many modules, this is a many to many multiplicity, so i have made a new entity called ModuleuTutorTeaches, in the middle of the 2 entities.
What attributes would the 4 tabels have?
Module Leader (staff ID{FK}ModuleID) < this would uniquly identify what staff was leading what module. The two attributes which will be FKs will create a PPK. This is fine
Module (ModuleID, moduleName, moduleCode, moduleDescirption) This does not need chaning
The 2 entities which i am stugiling to find atributes for are Module Tutor and ModuleuTutorTeaches.
The reason is the primary key for module tutor would be the same as the module leader, would this be ok? I don't think it would be as there could possible be 2 of the same primary keys which can't happen, can anyone suggest any other attributes i could put in to make it unique?
Additionally what attributes would go in the ModuleuTutorTeaches?