Hi, I have two problems regarding my database design
1. I have a table contains the details of items, available in a store. Now there are different size available for each item. How to design my table so that it will hold each item and all available size in a single record?
My present table structure looks like -
product_code, product_name, product_brand, qty_in_hand, reorder_lev
Now say a shirt of "xyz" brand will look like
xyz11, Shirt, xyz, 150, 100
But each shirt will have different size say S, M, L, XL, XXL
How should I deal with this?
2. I also have a table called bills, where the details of each bill is saved. Now there may be a single item in a bill, and may be n no. of items in a bill. The n is very much dynamic. How to design my table to store this kind of data???