Does anybody have any experience with changing an INT column to BIGINT so it will handle larger integer numbers?

I have read a lot from searching the subject, but still a little leary of changing it on a live database.

Would be nice if someone here has done it without any issues.

Thanks in advance.


Member Avatar for LastMitch


Does anybody have any experience with changing an INT column to BIGINT so it will handle larger integer numbers?

This is something new. I never used this before. This is like a MYSQL question. I always used INT.

May I ask why you want to change it from INT to BIGINT?

I have a system structured that generates position numbers mathematically... I didn't realize what the end effect would be until now, so until I can rewrite many scripts to handle things differently, I need the ability to use some very large integers...

Thanks for your response

Think I will repost this in the MySql room and make it solved here.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


Think I will repost this in the MySql room and make it solved here.

Why did you click SOLVE so soon?

You can post this question here.

I never mention you can't post it here.

I know other members in PHP will put some insight too because I also want to know.

This question suit here.

It shouldn't be an issue as bigint can handle larger numbers than int. The other way around could be more complicated.

I moved it to the Database / MySql room because I realized that I was in the wrong room for a DB question.

But I do appreciate the response...

I wish I hadn't ever designed this like I did, and definitely need to restructure it, but need it to survive while I do that...

Thanks again for the response pritaeas... I'm going to give it a shot first thing in the AM and hope it won't explode.

Poor structure and poor planning will get you every time.


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