I have written a shell script to execute my data base query
mysql -uroot -pshruti2 -B -e "use WebNmsDB;select HEADERINDEX from tekelec_meas_headers where CLLI=$clli and IVALSTART>="$ivalstart" and IVALSTART<"$ivalend" and RPTTYPE="$rpttype";" > win.txt
But the output in win.txt is
/mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.44, for unknown-linux-gnu (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
Copyright (C) 2002 MySQL AB
This is commercial software, and use of this software is governed
by your applicable license agreement with MySQL
Usage: /Tekelec/WebNMS/mysql/bin/mysql [OPTIONS] [database]
and more ... all the help commands