These are my queries for an assignment. It says that I made a mistake on query 8 and 9... problem is that I don't see any mistakes? Can someone tell me what is wrong?

SELECT * FROM `inventory`;

SELECT fruitID, sum( quantity ) FROM `inventory` group BY fruitID;

SELECT `name` FROM `fruit` ORDER BY name;

SELECT * FROM `fruit` ORDER BY `price` ASC;

SELECT * FROM `fruit` WHERE `price` > 1.0 ORDER BY price DESC;

SELECT * FROM `fruit` ORDER BY `fruit`.`price` DESC limit 1;

select name, sum( quantity ) as 
"Total Quantity" from `fruit` as f, 
inventory as i 
where f.fruitID= i.fruitID
group by i.fruitID 
order by sum( quantity ) DESC;

select sum( quantity ) * (select price from fruit where name like 'apple')
from inventory
where fruitID=(select fruitID from fruit where name like 'apple');

select price*sum( quantity ) from fruit as f, inventory as i where f.fruitID = i.fruitID group by i.fruitID;

SELECT * FROM `fruit` where fruitID not in ( select fruitID from inventory ); 

For query 8, i get this error:

First Difference Occurs at: byte 1, line 1
On Line 1 its column 1
Line 1 Wrong: sum( quantity ) * (select price from fruit where name like 'apple')
Line 1 Right: Value of Apples 

sdiff side by side difference your output versus solution....
sum( quantity ) * (select price from fruit where name like 'a | Value of Apples
875.00                                | $875.00

For query 9, i get this error:

First Difference Occurs at: byte 1, line 1
    On Line 1 its column 1
    Line 1 Wrong: price*sum( quantity )
    Line 1 Right: name  Value 
    sdiff side by side difference your output versus solution....
price*sum( quantity )                         | name    Value
875.00                                | apple   875.00
900.00                                | pear    900.00
500.00                                | banana  500.00
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DO you need a GROUP BY?

A group by?

Member Avatar for diafol

Functions such as SUM() are usually accompanied by a GROUP BY clause as you have in statements #T2 and #T7

From the error messages I conclude you should've aliased your resulting columns. Next to that 8 is missing the dollar sign, 9 is missing a column.

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