i need to show employee attendance based on device logins with employess various information like department,designation,device_person_id,person_id,logid etc.....
joining 3 tables i.e dbo.tempdevicelogs,dbo.employee_settings,dbo.persons_profile
i tried this one
Select Device_Person_id,personal_id,Date1,(
SELECT Device_Person_id FROM tempDeviceLogs
AT WHERE T.personal_id=AT.Device_Person_id AND T.date1=AT.logDateTime
) then 'P' Else 'A' End )as Status
Select Device_Person_id,personal_id,Cast(logDateTime as DATE)AS DATE1 from Emp_setting a,
(Select Distinct logDateTime from tempDeviceLogs) b
) T
but it's causing error Invalid column name 'Device_Person_id'
how to solve this problem is leftjoin or with inout column
dbo.tempdevicelogs data is
columnname Data type allow nulls
LogsID int Unchecked
Device_Person_id int Unchecked
Device_id int Unchecked
logDateTime datetime Unchecked
logVerifyMode nchar(10) Unchecked
workCodeID int Unchecked
Machin_install_id int Unchecked
data_loaded_dt datetime Checked
Inout int Checked
dbo.emp_setting data is
columnname datatype allownulls
Empset_id int Unchecked
personal_id int Unchecked
DesignationID int Checked
DivisionID int Checked
Emp_status char(1) Unchecked
Emp_TypeId int Checked
Dept_Id int Checked
Group_Id int Checked
NDIVGRP_CODE bigint Checked
dbo.persons_profile data is
columnname datatype allownulls
pesonal_id int Unchecked
Emp_Code nchar(15) Checked
Title nchar(4) Unchecked
First_name varchar(35) Unchecked
Middle_name varchar(35) Checked
last_name varchar(35) Checked
Father_Husband_Name varchar(35) Unchecked
Dob datetime Unchecked
Age int Unchecked
gender nchar(1) Unchecked
Marital_status nchar(1) Unchecked
Nationality nchar(10) Unchecked
bloodGroup nchar(10) Unchecked
perAddress nchar(100) Unchecked
PerStreet nchar(100) Checked
PerLocation nchar(50) Unchecked
PerCity nchar(20) Checked
PerPincode nchar(6) Checked
CorAddress nchar(50) Checked
CorStreet nchar(50) Checked
CorLocation nchar(50) Checked
CorCity nchar(20) Checked
CorPincode nchar(6) Checked
LandlinePhone nchar(24) Checked
cellNo nchar(24) Checked
EmailId nchar(35) Checked
NosofDependendants int Checked
Dependendants_details ntext Checked
Emergency_FirstName nchar(35) Checked
Emergency_Middle_name nchar(35) Checked
Emergency_Last_name nchar(35) Checked
Emergency_WithRelation nchar(25) Checked
Emergency_PhoneNo nchar(22) Checked
Emergency_CellNo nchar(22) Checked
Emergency_emailId nchar(35) Checked
Office_PF_ac_no nchar(20) Checked
ESI_ac_no nchar(20) Checked
JoinedDate datetime Checked
Photofile nchar(50) Checked
ReportTo varchar(50) Checked
Brief_Notes nchar(150) Checked
dateofTermination varchar(10) Checked
termination_note nchar(50) Checked
Print_Priority int Checked
DeviceEmployeeID nchar(25) Checked
LogsPermitted int Unchecked
Machin_install_id int Checked
Designation nchar(100) Checked
Dept nchar(100) Checked
Section nchar(100) Checked
Groups nchar(100) Checked
EmpWorkingTypeT nchar(100) Checked