When I try to use MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager to create table, I typed column name, data type as "int", however the length of "int" is 4, that is fixed I cannot change, now the problem is I need to use this column as record ID, my database is large, the number of the records is more than 9999(which is the maximum int 4 length), how can I solve this issue? thanks for any comment.

you are confused, int is not limited to less than 10,000 in sql server. the limit is around 2 billion. (2^31)-1 to be precise

Yes 4 relate to how many bytes int uses in ram per value

correct. 4 bytes * 8 bits = 32 bits. hence it has a range from -2^31 to +2^31

Thank you very much for pointing it out, I was confused.

Friend of mine INT 4 in sql server means that it uses 4 bytes if you multiply it by 8 bits each one they are 32 bits with what you can store numbers of the order from-2^31 (-2.147.483.648) to 2^31-1 (2.147.483.647)

see it



When I try to use MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager to create table, I typed column name, data type as "int", however the length of "int" is 4, that is fixed I cannot change, now the problem is I need to use this column as record ID, my database is large, the number of the records is more than 9999(which is the maximum int 4 length), how can I solve this issue? thanks for any comment.

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