
I've been trying to create an RPG, and I really have trouble moving with it. I really can't find any decent tutorials (or even books). The only book I've heard of (Making RPGs with DirectX, or something, by Jim Adams) got pretty bad reviews. The part I can't really wrap my mind around isn't the behind the scenes math, but more of how to present it. I've been brainstorming code to have a simple test where you just walk around into different rooms, and while I think I could get that code up and running pretty well, if I start implementing more objects or other complex features, I feel like the system is going to crash (crash as in not work well). I want to get a solid system for moving around, colliding, and navigating between rooms. I also start to get dizzy at the thought of developing a combat engine (turn-based or real time). I'm starting to think I'm better off writing simpler games, maybe even trying a 3D shooter (I realize that's not all that simple, but I have a decent book on 3D games with DirectX, and I don't have one on RPG's), than going into a 2D RPG project.

Long story short: does anyone have/know of any good tutorials or books for role playing game development. It would be great if anyone could refer me to a solid place to learn how to make RPGs. Thanks.

Take a modular approach to your challenges. Start with a basic map of just some cubes to represent the world. Build your collision system. Once your character manages to stop walking through walls, add buildings it can walk into. Then work on a "trigger" system, as in setting up specific areas where your character can trigger an event, such as NPC interaction. Unfortunately, when I tried to google for rpg tutorials, I found mostly tutorials about the RPG language (which is used on those old as/400 beasts). I'm starting to see your problem finding resources on the matter as a new developer, sorta makes me want to create an RPG now and document the process. So will you be creating this in 3D or 2D? Starting with easier games is a good idea, and simple spaces shooters is always fun to make. Good luck with whatever you end up deciding.

Take a modular approach to your challenges. Start with a basic map of just some cubes to represent the world. Build your collision system. Once your character manages to stop walking through walls, add buildings it can walk into. Then work on a "trigger" system, as in setting up specific areas where your character can trigger an event, such as NPC interaction. Unfortunately, when I tried to google for rpg tutorials, I found mostly tutorials about the RPG language (which is used on those old as/400 beasts). I'm starting to see your problem finding resources on the matter as a new developer, sorta makes me want to create an RPG now and document the process. So will you be creating this in 3D or 2D? Starting with easier games is a good idea, and simple spaces shooters is always fun to make. Good luck with whatever you end up deciding.

Thanks for the advice.

I was going to start with simple 4-dir movement, but i stopped when I couldn't realy find any sprites of people (I'm not much of a spriter). I should prob try again using like a circle or something as a sprite (I was planning a 2D game). I actually started working on a text-based RPG to create working classes for the player, monsters, items, etc. I might work on that on one hand, and then separately work on just getting movement down, and then merging the two into a working project, but it's worth a try. Thinking of all the RPG elements separately from a real UI makes it a lot easier on my mind, and I'm guessing thinking about a UI separate from any real content will be easy(er) too.

I am also working on a text-based RPG in my spare time. I have created basic classes for Player character, items, map, etc.

I'm using Object Pascal (Free Pascal) What language are you programming in?

learn c++ and make an engine

Wow... that's some... good advice there, beefy.

I agree with Phaelax... trying to fit the whole thing in your head at once will lead to nosebleeds and blindness. Take it from someone who knows: Building an RPG, especially an MMO like what we're working on, is a DAUNTING task. You've gotta take it a little piece at a time or you'll lose your mind.

the best place to look will probably be flash tutorials...the actual codes won't work for you but the principals are the same

i just snagged this one randomly

this is a really good one for getting the basics of an RPG down

i think it was posted here, it's an ASCII game though

this is also a very good one
flash also

erm... wow... sad?

im 13 i manage a multiplayer role playing game... 3D!!!! these are very easy to make...

especially if you have coding experience...if you want too make a game like most gamers do, then go to


download my client...

then log in with any user and pass

and talk to me...

or you can just bone leach off another person and end up getting your whole work screwed up like what happened to me!!!!

commented: This is just flat out moronic. -2

...<useless blather>...

Nothing in that post could be construed as the least bit helpful to the original poster's question.

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