I am a new programmer but I am devoted to make a game. Can I make a game engine that have software rendering and openGL . With a little bit of AI and dynamic lightning and sprites/models. I am not asking the ~~~~~ like Half life or Quake engine, just a "small but enough" engine that can do these things. But HOW and HOW MUCH it take in a language like C++ and openGL only.:?: :-/

I am a new programmer but I am devoted to make a game. Can I make a game engine that have software rendering and openGL . With a little bit of AI and dynamic lightning and sprites/models. I am not asking the ~~~~~ like Half life or Quake engine, just a "small but enough" engine that can do these things. But HOW and HOW MUCH it take in a language like C++ and openGL only.:?: :-/

Yes. Best place to start = OpenGL, C++, AI, and Modeling books from Barnes and Noble / Borders / Amazon. It will take a while to get something like that going... yes, even the simplest of engines takes a bunch of work. Patience is your best friend on something like this. Good luck!

where should we start from......

where should we start from......

Read the post above you own. Read the "Read me:" in this forum.

Why do you keep replying to old threads with questions like:
"How to start"
"i can't understand that..."
"and Y? "
"who can make me a code of my problemo "

You've got allmost 200 posts here, so by now you should know better..


sorry about that i don't know that... bcoz i know that this forum is started alone sorry..... question: what should we use to enhance this project? what code or what compiler

you refuse to get the mesage, do you?
Do NOT revive old threads to post your own gibberish that supposedly are questions.
Start your own threads instead and post something that people can actually understand without having to spend half an hour guessing what the heck you're writing.

SORRY can any one close this thread now.....

The thread was not yours to start with and you merely hijacked it with useless questions. Asking to have someone else's thread closed after you ruined it with gibberish is just foolish. It would have probably finished on its own 33 days ago if you had just left it alone.

ok sorry........ i have a problem with my game engine how can i published it for free in the WorldWideWeb

If you have a coding problem, post your code with a clear question in the c++ forum (assuming you made it in C++)

Don't forget to tell what
- the code is supposed to do
- what it isn't doing
- compiler output
- etc

ill help you losers.

commented: This isn't needed here. -2
commented: be civilised -4

Dude, that's spam aswell what you are saying, here, i'll help you:
If you want to create a game quite fast, then i suggest learning the Irrlicht engine, it's quite easy to understand and you start off really quick.
Though, if you want to do something more serious, you'd get OGRE3D, that's the best (but also a quite hard one) 3d render engine that you'll be able to get for free.
I'd stay, take a look at the irrlicht website, the engine is well documentaired, and there are a few other programs to help aswell, like a world editor designed for irrlicht and more, i'd say, just take a look

i love allegro and irrlicht.
use them w/ dev-C++.

Dude, when you dont have anything to say that will be used to answer the question of the threadcreator, then dont say anything atall, you're just spamming to get more posts...

commented: you're not the forum police -4

and what are you doing? You're the post flooder in this thread...

post Nr.12 was more usefull than 11 or 13
something like "i'll help you losers" is 1, disencouraging, 2 not helping atall
neither does "i like irrlicht" help, because it doesn't give any information of how easy/fast to learn or whatever the engine is, only his oppinion which doesn't help the threadstarter atall


correct. When you say you like (or dislike) something always qualify that statement.
WHY do you (dis)like it, what did you try to use it for, etc. etc..

there is only one l in useful.

commented: no shit Einstein -1
commented: Only one L in "useless" also - which describes your contributions here. -2
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