heyyy..i wana develop game in open gl using C++..bt cant gettng any idea...
plz gv suggestion...abt car race game oor any other

I would start off with a 2-D game first. Making a 3-D game involves a lot of linear and vector algebra, and can be a daunting task for someone just starting. You can try something like a simple 2D shooter as your first game. Do you already have experience programming in Opengl?

noops i dnt hav bt i knw it littl....can u help me in .....

First, read the site rules - especially this one

We strive to be a community geared towards the professional. We strongly encourage all posts to be in full-sentence English. Please do not use "leet" speak or "chatroom" speak.

Then work through the basic OpenGL tutorials over at NeHe.

Ezzaral makes a good point, out of respect for others please type in full-sentence English. As for "helping you in", there are several good tutorials for OpenGL, namely the site Ezzaral referenced. It's going to take a lot of dedication and hard work if you want to make a game, along with a lot of learning on your own. If you are waiting for someone to teach you how to use OpenGL you're going to be waiting a long time..

:zzz:That is so true i stared a game and i have yet to finsh with the game!

i also have started game and sorry for using romans..although i not did it intentionally but its ok and thankyou for telling about the rule.

:zzz:That is so true i stared a game and i have yet to finsh with the game!

I've stared at a lot of games I've never finished.
Doesn't mean I worked on creating them :)

commented: If you a game lover then must try characters game tocalifesworld.com it is a amazing game. +0
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