Im asking all of you developers!
I know quite lot of C++ and im wondering a few questions about head into the world of game development, Im gona ask a few questions, but feel free to add more helpfull information Smile

I would also mention that i will be working with Windows, because when i wana start out and learn with Mac i already so quite alot and wont need that much help.

@ What grapich library should i start out with / Learn for future development?

@ What compiler should i be using for learning?

@ Should i start with 2D development? Or head into 3D right away and learn there?
If so, should i take SDL? Or maby Allegro?

@ Where should i start? By mastering the compiler? Or mastering one of the graphic libraries? Or maby start out with an easy game engine (if there even exist such a thing as an easy game engine..)

@ Where is a good place for ressources, maby a good forum for help and inspiration?

@ Maby i should buy a good book from Amazon?

@ Any experience the developers in Frictional Games would like to share, Anythin that nagged into your skulls? Or maby something you would have changed when learning. Or maby a personal story how you got into game developement?

Phew! That was quite a few questions, and i hope some of you would like to answer some of them :)

Thanks :)
- Resell4

if you know C++, you can try GDK (Game development Kit). This kit is based on C++ with few more special libraries for game dev. with Visual C++ compiler.

For the first few projects, you should try 2D graphics, and then you can try something more complicated.

About books, there are meny books on the internet about game dev, graphics, sound and much much more, or you cand buy books from any shop.

P.S. Sorry for my english

I started game developing by creating console based text games.

They are very good to teach you about OOP, game loops and logic, handling inputs and outputs.

If you can do just one or two console games you can make your way to SDL or SFML( an object oriented and better suit C++ library ) easier.

I think is the ultimate source you need to start developing games about SDL.

For compiler I would use Visual Studio or g++(GNU C++ compiler). CodeBlock is good too.

How about doing game in C#?
I did some simple games, like card games, but I would like to do something bigger. A real game. Is C# appropriate?

you can try the programming with C#, but i can't tell you if is good or is easy.

If you intend to release on Windows or Xbox Live then C# and XNA will be good-- plus you can focus on getting things done. In the end it requires less programming ability if you ask me. The library is huge and you can get a lot done quickly without understanding the lower layers/details.

If you want to learn a lot about programming then grab something like C++ and a graphics library or an even lower level library like OpenGL. They will take more effort to use, work with and get things done but you'll be a better programmer for it.

Good multimedia libraries include SDL (C/C++) and SFML (C++). OpenGL is great and works on just about anything-- it is much more verbose than the higher level libraries.

You can also try other languages/APIs. Python has some good things going for it, and Perl is good fun too. Java is a nice middle ground between C++/C#-- it gives you good cross-platform abilities and a wide range of pre-packaged APIs for developing.

You could build a large game with any of them. It depends on your priorities and what you want to do.

If you're already familiar with C++ and you're just starting game programming, you might want to try the Dark GDK from the Game Creators It dramatically simplifies the game development process for lone wolf developers, and will give you a great introduction to the world of game development.

Thanks for sharing such a nice information, actually i also want to become a Game Developer and i look towards it as my career. As recently i started C++

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