hi everyone!!!

im creating an online rts game (like rome total war) and wanted to know if there are any online tutorials explaining how to create the game, models, world, interface and how to put it on the internet. If anyone can help me out i would be very grateful.

Thank you

Yes, I'm sure you'll find many, many people willing to recreate, for free, a game which took a team of professional developers tens of thousands of man hours to produce....

Alternatively, why don't you start out with "Hello, world" and move on from there..

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Yes, I'm sure you'll find many, many people willing to recreate, for free, a game which took a team of professional developers tens of thousands of man hours to produce....

Bah, sounds like piece of cake in my opinion. :lol:

Try Tic-Tac-Toe first, or maybe a calculator.

the game will be easy to create, i know that because i have already made a few models. The grapichs wont be as good as shown above but they will be close. There will be gold members which will pay £5 a month and will get bigger maps to battle on, more choice in nations to own, more units to train and more.

More is explained at...


The website is still under construction but will soon have all the info about the game.

the game will be easy to create

That simple, huh? I guess you shouldn't need any help then.

well yea once ive learnt how to use the language. I am great at modeling, creating the textures, creating the website and many more. The only thing im not sure about is the language, which if anyone could help me out with i would be very grateful. If you do know of a site which explains in detail what each comand line does and how to write it all out, i would appricate it loads!!!

or would it be easier to create this in java???

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Yes. You could use JOGL or the java 3d api. It'd be slower tho.

Nothing quite beats c++ with OpenGL... It's for the big boyz only though. :cheesy:

k thanks :) do you know of anywhere or any books which explain all the language. Ive got most of the models sorted its just the language im not too sure about

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Google + JOGL Java 3d api
Google + c++ opengl

Once you've decided which language you wanna use then do it. I'd go for option numero deux but don't let me sway you.:-|

thanks i realy appricate it!!!

try the sauerbraten game engine. its free, open source, and if you are interested in creating a total conversion it would be the engine to use.

try the sauerbraten game engine. its free, open source, and if you are interested in creating a total conversion it would be the engine to use.

That's also an FPS engine....

Sorry for the necro ;)

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