Hi, I've decided to start off simple with my game designing career and i wish for some people to help me create a text based game like http://www.eternalduel.com. If you want to help me create this game feel free to PM me, Rely Below or email me at << email id snipped >>

16 days and no reply...

Well first you need to learn HTML and CSS. After you've made a few web pages (don't have to be hosted just for practice) learn something like javascript and make small games like "click the button". When you've become decent with JS, start planning your little text game. Write out all the things you want your players to do, but keep them in the realm of reality. When all that's finished just start writing the code out and get some cool artwork and boom... expand... expand... expand... have a few meltdowns (mental and game wise) and you have a game... You can learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more over at http://www.w3schools.com/... Good luck


16 days and no reply...

Well first you need to learn HTML and CSS. After you've made a few web pages (don't have to be hosted just for practice) learn something like javascript and make small games like "click the button". When you've become decent with JS, start planning your little text game. Write out all the things you want your players to do, but keep them in the realm of reality. When all that's finished just start writing the code out and get some cool artwork and boom... expand... expand... expand... have a few meltdowns (mental and game wise) and you have a game... You can learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more over at http://www.w3schools.com/... Good luck


I know HTML, CSS, Javascript and C++(Even thou that don't matter :P)
Btw would you like to help me make it?

well i don't think javascript html or css will help you, since these are mainly used for visuals. (but you still need them ;) )
you need some server-side stuff, you can start with php + mysql, but you will have hard times with maintaining your php codes.
you can also use Ruby on Rails i think... these two have nice learning curves, you can start fast with them.

also start with aspx or java web application. which have steep learning curves (especially java stuff)

sorry i can't join you on your journey!
good luck

well i don't think javascript html or css will help you, since these are mainly used for visuals. (but you still need them :P )
you need some server-side stuff, you can start with php + mysql, but you will have hard times with maintaining your php codes.
you can also use Ruby on Rails i think... these two have nice learning curves, you can start fast with them.

also start with aspx or java web application. which have steep learning curves (especially java stuff)

sorry i can't join you on your journey!
good luck

I use Javascript/HTML and i have done games before with them. Either im a very clever peep or a very stupid peep getting my languages mixed up :P. Ty for answering though i am very grateful.

Hi, if your still interested in developing this game, I'd be glad to help, contact me at <<email snipped>>

or PM me

Hey I am interested in helping plan the storyline. I'm not very good at html (or know much about it anyway :P) but I can help with the storyline. (And I'd love to see the end product, too)

i am a C++and HTMl coder.. if you need any help i will surely help

Uhmmm... This is dead, Valkyrie.

Hi, I've decided to start off simple with my game designing career and i wish for some people to help me create a text based game like http://www.eternalduel.com. If you want to help me create this game feel free to PM me, Rely Below or email me at << email id snipped >>

I have knowledge about only c++, is this knowledge is enough to make text based games?

its gonna be a long list of stuff to learn.
but with a little patience and perseverance,
anything is possible..if you really want it.

wow., thats like two shoe commercials..

I have knowledge about only c++, is this knowledge is enough to make text based games?

If you know C++, then you should already know the answer(yes).

If you know C++, then you should already know the answer(yes).

So with only C++ you can make a good text-based crime game if you want?

Hi, I've decided to start off simple with my game designing career and i wish for some people to help me create a text based game like http://www.eternalduel.com. If you want to help me create this game feel free to PM me, Rely Below or email me at << email id snipped >>

i would be happy to help you but i dont know anything about coding im still learning

i would be happy to help you but i dont know anything about coding im still learning

After 3 years, I don't think they care anymore...


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