Mobile Context App is a Game-Changer

Updated VanessaRyan 1 Tallied Votes 457 Views Share

5o9® EZMobile , to be released on October 11, 2010 is a new mobile context app for all Web apps that utilize the browser to deliver real-time context (mobile user, device and location data) to the Web server for use in any Web application. This new software enables developers to know in real-time from whom, what and where that the Web request is being made. It is not a service but a client-server middleware. The software uses the same mobile device APIs as any native application and deliver this metadata to the Web server. According to 5o9, Inc. COO Elizabeth Coker, 5o9® EZMobile is a game-changing, cost-effective alternative to complex, cross-platform mobile app development because it still gives device-specific information without having to learn a new application. Because its platform is the Web, developers have the efficiency and flexibility of SasS, which reduces the need for more complex mobile app development.

5o9® EZMobile can be used be to minimize the typing on smartphone keyboards. Users searching for a particular business will not need to type in their location and zip code because the software will automatically log in their location and bring up the nearest business and its inventory. Or it can be used to personalize one-to-one services for customers or marketers. It also allows an optimized mobile experience for developers without having to learn how to develop on all the different smartphones. The software pulls data from any accessible device API or user-entered data such as name and password. This data is encrypted during transit. The Web content is then compressed when returned to the mobile user, who is able to control security and privacy issues. Developers can choose the level of customization for their users. Basic scripting minimizes or eliminates Web forms and data entry. It installs like any other app and APIs are included to facilitate integration with existing data or mobile apps. This software doesn't require a dedicated port because the company manages data communication by use of the browser.

The Server component is Windows IIS and Apache Web servers. Client components are Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile (iPhone and Symbian in beta).

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kristinajosep 0 Newbie Poster

The Web content is then compressed when returned to the mobile user, who is able to control security and privacy issues. These all things are great to know about it.

VanessaRyan 12 Junior Poster in Training

Thanks for your interest.

salehmar 0 Newbie Poster


rickskathy 0 Newbie Poster

The Web content is then compressed when returned to the mobile user, who is able to control security and privacy issues. Developers can choose the level of customization for their users.

webstax -1 Newbie Poster

Man I love technology! Listen if you want to compete go right ahead, but I love it when we get great content from creators who just want to push what can be done in the market place. Bravo and Thanks for showing up in this game called life!

mactilden 0 Newbie Poster

These all things are really very awesome to know about it. It is one of the great content here all these things are good for the creators these all great to know about it these all are security and also the privacy issues.

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