I am trying to create file using RMS. I couldn't use List Command to create a file using RMS. Can you suggest easier way to create a file using List.

import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.rms.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

public class RmsNormal extends MIDlet implements CommandListener
    private Display disp;
    private Command exit;
    private List list;
    private Alert alert;
    private RecordStore recordstore = null;

public RmsNormal()
    disp = Display.getDisplay(this);
    exit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
    list = new List("Menu", List.IMPLICIT);
    list.append("Create", null);
    list.append("Write", null);
    protected void startApp()
    protected void pauseApp()
    protected void destroyApp(boolean uncond)
    public void commandAction(Command cmd, Displayable display)
        if(cmd == List.SELECT_COMMAND)   
            String selection = list.getString(list.getSelectedIndex());
        	// couldn't get idea to use List Command to Create File
                recordstore = RecordStore.openRecordStore("RecorStore", true);
                alert = new Alert("File Created", null, null, AlertType.WARNING);
            catch (Exception error)
                alert = new Alert("Error Removing", error.toString(), null, AlertType.WARNING);
                String outputData = "My";
                byte[] byteOutputData = outputData.getBytes();
                recordstore.addRecord(byteOutputData, 0, byteOutputData.length);
            catch (Exception error)
                alert = new Alert("Alert", error.toString(), null, AlertType.WARNING);
        else if (cmd == exit)

Can you explain what you mean by these "couldn't get idea to use List Command to Create File"? I see you trying to do something with RecodStore, but these attempts are sort of half hearted.

How to store a value in RMS using List. When I click to list "create
button", actually I am trying to create a file using RMS method.

I can do with add Command. Is it possible to do List button, like Command button.

Sorry for miss-explanation of codes

if (cmd == create)
// Create file to Store values 
recordstore = RecordStore.openRecordStore("Test", true);
alert = new Alert("Success", "File Created", null, AlertType.WARNING);
catch (Exception error)
 alert = new Alert("Error Creating", "Error Creating file"+ error.toString(), null, AlertType.WARNING);
  1. You either have to have RMS that is created by you and is full or you have access to know RMS and after that to read data. I see neither of that you pretend to open RMS and then nothing
  2. You handle RMS operation badly, you better to read this
  3. If you want to write a file you need to provide location where to store it, which obviously is missing and file create/write logic too.
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