I've started developing for Androind [ditched Symbian but that's a whole diferent styory], and I'm not what you'd call a naturall Java developer [much prefer c++]. Eclipse seems to run rediculously slowly on windows 7 (64bit), and running a dual boot system with Linux [on which it seems to run a lot faster] is out of the qustion as it destabalises my machine. I don't have the cash to invest in a dedicated Linux machine at the moment so that's out of the question, and I need windows for music production.
My question is does this have anything to do with the fact that I'm having to develop in 32bit Java on a 64bit system. Can I run Eclipse useing 64bit Java, and develop the app in 43bit Java for Android?
[P.S. Sorry about the spelling, I'm dislexic and I've just switched back to IE and it dosen't have aspell checking]