I am new to J2ME Programming so i am stuck with the keylisteners..

I am writing a simple J2ME app in which there are 2 textfields. As soon as the user types a char in first textfield the result must be displayed in second.

I want to handle the events of changes in data of TextField. Can any body tell what listener to use for it and how to do it ???

Only way to do is through setItemCommandListener(). You need implement new Command and then listen when this is triggered and execute whatever logic you need

As peter_budo told, use ItemStateListener(), and implement Abstract Method of it,

public void itemStateChanged(Item item)


Set this listener to your form. and then write following code :

public void itemStateChanged(Item item)
 if( item == txtFld1)
       // Do something when State change of TextField1
  if( item == txtFld2)
       // Do something when State change of TextField2

Hope, this will help you. If you have any questions regarding to this then ask.

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