i will go to a local digital champion, and i must propose my idea as innovation, for a app :
i thinked about to creat a city guide:
with 2 main function speech Recognition And voice reader google now answer when you ask about meteo

  1. allow user to find restaurant by typing or speech Recognition: it is possible to integrate google now in my app?? or other speech Recognition API???.
  2. find restaurant or place ... and guide user the using gps calculate driving time... ,
  3. Allow user to find museums and places..,
  4. Check event (offline) guide, Allow users to invite them facebook friends to a place or to a events and set time
  5. Allow user to share them place or Allow user take phone with title of them place auto(using gps) and share to social network.
  6. Allow user to find info of a statue by capturing it's photo and app read the info for users like how google now answer when you ask about meteo.
  7. Allow user to review a food and restaurant and hotels.
  8. allow user to compare a food in diferent restaurant. price, quality or distance from them place to the restaurant.
  9. find hotel by review and stars, price. and allow them to allow hotels.
  10. Allow user to find public transit, time .... ticket price.
  11. Allow user to find tour guide.
  12. and another side is to use
  13. Subscribe to add restaurant and food with description or hotl..??
  14. To add event ...,
  15. someone have idea to help and it is possible for speech Recognition And voice reader google now answer when you ask about meteo

You better to rephrase your question otherwise it does falls under

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my question is just if it is possible some idea in my up post
it is possible to integrate visual search in na app there is API for it???
it is possible to integrate speech recognition in an app there is API for it ?
it is possible to integrate voice synthesis in an app there is API for it???

  1. You can always make photo and send it out to images google, also you should be able to record GPS coordinates and place marker on the map. I would not be surprised if Google Maps managed something as image search instead of simple location name search. Someone may provide more detailed answer, because I have no experiences with it. Nevertheless do research
  2. Speech recognition already have API http://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/package-summary.html
  3. Same for text to speech http://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/tts/TextToSpeech.html
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