Probabilistic Linked Skip List

Siersan 0 Tallied Votes 103 Views Share

Unlike a balanced skip list, a probabilistic skip list uses random numbers to determine the height of each node rather than deterministic logic. The only real advantage of using a linked structure instead of an array based structure is in code maintainability.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

struct node {
  int data;
  struct node *right;
  struct node *down;

struct list {
  struct node *head;
  int level;

Naive example function
Don't use in production code

int rand_level(int limit)
  int i = 1;

  while (rand() < RAND_MAX / 2 && i < limit) {

  return i;

struct node *make_node(int data, struct node *right, struct node *down)
  struct node *node = malloc(sizeof *node);

  if (node == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  node->data = data;
  node->right = right;
  node->down = down;

  return node;

void destroy_node(struct node *node)

int insert_node(struct list *list, int data)
  struct node *x, *save = NULL;
  int i, level = rand_level(list->level + 1);

  while (level > list->level) {
    list->head = make_node(0, NULL, list->head);

  x = list->head;

  for (i = list->level; x != NULL; i--) {
    while (x->right != NULL && data > x->right->data) {
      x = x->right;

    if ( i <= level ) {
      if (x->right == NULL || data != x->right->data) {
        x->right = make_node(data, x->right, NULL);

      if (save != NULL) {
        save->down = x->right;

      save = x->right;

    x = x->down;

  return 1;

int remove_node(struct list *list, int data)
  int ret = 0;
  struct node *x, *save;

  x = list->head;

  while (x != NULL) {
    while (x->right != NULL && data > x->right->data) {
      x = x->right;

    if (x->right != NULL && data == x->right->data) {
      save = x->right;
      x->right = save->right;

      ret = 1;

    x = x->down;

  while (list->head != NULL && list->head->right == NULL) {
    save = list->head;
    list->head = list->head->down;

  return ret;

void list_structure(struct list *list)
  struct node *x, *y, *z;

  for (x = list->head; x != NULL; x = x->down) {
    for (z = list->head; z->down != NULL; z = z->down) {

    for (y = x; y != NULL; y = y->right) {
      for (; z != NULL && z->data != y->data; z = z->right) {

        if (z->right != NULL && z->right->data != y->data) {

      printf("%02d", y->data);


int main(void)
  struct list list = {0};
  int i;

  srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));

  for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
    insert_node(&list, rand() % 99 + 1);



  return 0;
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