Pascal Triangle Generator

darkscript 0 Tallied Votes 200 Views Share

This program generates lines of pascal's triangle, numbers after 23 generate weird output.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

string Separator("    ");

float factorial (float n)
	if (n == 0.0f)
		return 1.0f;
	else if (n != 1.0f)
		return n*factorial (n-1.0f);
		return n;
float combination (float n,float r)
	return factorial(r)/((factorial(r-n)*factorial(n)));

void printRow(float r)
	for (float i=0.0f; i<=r; i+=1.0f){
		cout << combination (i,r) << Separator;

void printRows(float r)
	for (float j=0.0f; j<r; j+=1.0f){
		cout << endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	float nRows = 10.0f;
	cout << "Hello, This is me Pascal. I'll give you ";
	if (argv [1] == 0)
		cout << "10 Lines of my famous triangle";
	else if (atof (argv [1]) <= 0.0f)
		cout << "10 Lines of my famous triangle";
	else {
		nRows = atof(argv [1]);
		cout << argv [1] << (nRows > 1? " Lines " : " Line ") << "of my famous triangle.\n";