Printing prime no in given range //Using efficient algorithm for large nos.

rhoit 0 Tallied Votes 182 Views Share

Just playing with the no.

points used in the program:
1. Even no cannot be prime except 2
2. % division of odd by even cannot be 0

# include<iostream.h>
# include<math.h>

void main()
 int flag=0;
 unsigned long l, h, temp;

 cout<<"Enter the lower limit:"; cin>>l;
 cout<<"Enter the higher limit:"; cin>>h;

	 if(l==2) cout<<"2\t";
	 l++; //taking only odd no

 for(;l<=h;l+=2, flag=0)
	  if(temp%2==0) temp++; //taking only odd no
	  for(; temp>2; temp--)
	  if(flag==0) cout<<l<<"\t";
WXuan 0 Newbie Poster

What's the difference between this threads and the last one???

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