ScrollIntoView for postback and async postback events

serkan sendur 0 Tallied Votes 330 Views Share

Set page's scroll position programmatically according to server side processing

//this two generic methods will be put in the class file(where utilities exist)

// if the control is a postback control 

 public static void ScrollIntoView(Control controlToScroll)
        Page page = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;
        page.RegisterStartupScript("key2", "<script> document.getElementById('" + controlToScroll.ClientID + "').scrollIntoView();</script>");

// if the control is an asyncronous postback control 
    public static void ScrollIntoViewForAsync(Control controlToScroll)
        Page page = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;
        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(page, typeof(page), "key2", "document.getElementById('" + controlToScroll.ClientID + "').scrollIntoView();", true);