Monetary / Compound Interest

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Uses only integers for monetary values to calculate compound interest.


** Name: 

** Filename: monetary.cpp

** Project #: Deitel & Deitel 2.51

** Project Description: Modify the program in Fig 2.21 so it uses only
		   integers for monetary values to calculate the compound 

** Output: Table with year and amount of deposit as it grows  with 
           interest rate

** Input:  None

** Algorithm: Make all variables for money values as integers, then
              put into penny amount.
			  Run loop till year <= 10
			  Calculate yearly amount using formula a = p ( 1 + r )^n
			  Divide amount by 100 giving an integer result 
			  Divide amount using modulus to get remainder to add
			  cents amount 
			  Print amount followed by period then print cents
			  End program


// Include files
#include <iostream>  // used for cin, cout
#include <conio.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

// Global Type Declarations

// Function Prototypes
void instruct (void);
void pause ();

//Global Variables - should not be used without good reason.

int main ()
	 // Declaration section
	  int amount,            // amount on deposit
	      principal = 100000;// starting principal in pennies amount
   double rate = .05;        // interest rate 
	 // Executable section
	 instruct ();

   cout <<"Year" << setw ( 27 ) 
        << "Amount on deposit\n" << endl;
   cout << setiosflags ( ios::fixed | ios::showpoint )
        << setprecision ( 2 );

   for ( int year = 1; year <= 10; year++ ) {
	   amount = principal * pow ( 1.0 + rate, year ) ;
       cout << setw( 4 ) << year << setw( 18 ) << amount / 100 
		    << '.';

	   if ( amount % 100 < 10 )
		   cout << '0' << amount % 100 << endl;
		   cout << amount % 100 << endl;
	 pause ();
	 return 0;

void instruct (void)
	  // Declaration section

	  // Executable section

void pause ()
    // Declaration section

    // Executable section
    cout << "\nPress any key to continue...";
    cout << "\r";
    cout << "                            ";
    cout << "\r";

Program Output

Year         Amount on deposit

   1              1050.00
   2              1102.50
   3              1157.62
   4              1215.50
   5              1276.28
   6              1340.09
   7              1407.10
   8              1477.45
   9              1551.32
  10              1628.89

Press any key to continue...

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"Modify the program in Fig 2.21 so it uses only
integers for monetary values to calculate the compound
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