Hi, I am getting errors with RTTI. In this program I have an Abstract base class with virtual function area() and two derived classes.

I defined a polymorphic function and passed the derived object as argument to it which has reference to the base class as argument. I used typeid opeator to find RTTI and execute a function which is not defined in the Abstract base class. But I am getting the error as follows.

class poly
virtual void area(void)=0;
class square : public poly
void area(void ) { cout<<" area : square " ;}
virtual void display(void) { cout<<" I am square ";}
class rect : public poly
void area(void) { cout<<" area : rectangle ";}
void print(poly &abc)
int main()
square s;rect r;

Eroor : class poly doesnot have disp function as member

could you please help in finding out the reason behind this error

Nick Evan commented: code tags on first post award! +27

Eroor : class poly doesnot have disp function as member

could you please help in finding out the reason behind this error

The compiler is right, "class poly" doesn't have a disp() function as a member. But the class 'square' does.

So change this line: void print(poly &abc) to this: void print(square &abc) and that should solve your problem.

Also don't forget to make the other memberfunction public: !

Use static_cast,

void print(poly &abc){

PS: display() must have public access.

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