Hello All,
I am trying to learn C++ on my own, but I think I am having some problems with Code::Blocks. I am familiar with Java (I did some CS as an undergrad) and I feel that the C++ basics are pretty easy to translate from Java; however, I am having problems with my compiler and it has been quite frustrating. My problem is as follows: I am using the Accelerated C++ book to learn since I am already familiar with OOP. I did a program from one of their chapters that uses header files (it's a gradebook code). The compiler keeps giving me "undefined reference to" errors (e.g. "undefined reference to 'read(std::istream&, Student_info&)' and the exact compiler error is listed at the end of this post) when I compile. I define the function read in the *.c file and I've done everything like the book says (looking for any misspelled word, etc). I can include the code if needed, but I thought I would see if it was something simple that I had forgotten (the code is a little lengthy). Also, all the files are in the same directory. Any help would be much appreciated. I attached the code to this message. Another problem, and I don't know if this is related, when I try to compile the *.cpp files one by one, I usually get a "C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.5\..\..\..\libmingw32.a(main.o):main.c:(.text+0x104)||undefined reference to `_WinMain@16'|" error. Thanks so much!
C:\Documents and Settings\Allen\My Documents\C++ Work\Grade_Project\gradeCalc.o:gradeCalc.cpp:(.text+0x210)||undefined reference to `read(std::istream&, Student_info&)'|
C:\Documents and Settings\Allen\My Documents\C++ Work\Grade_Project\gradeCalc.o:gradeCalc.cpp:(.text+0x28a)||undefined reference to `compare(Student_info const&, Student_info const&)'|
C:\Documents and Settings\Allen\My Documents\C++ Work\Grade_Project\gradeCalc.o:gradeCalc.cpp:(.text+0x414)||undefined reference to `grade(Student_info const&)'|
||=== Build finished: 3 errors, 0 warnings ===|