Snake III Game

masterofpuppets 1 Tallied Votes 349 Views Share

this is my version of the popular snake game. The snake is controlled by the mouse so be careful when you start :) it grows infinitely should download the apple.jpg file for the game, or graw one of your own just name it apple.jpg and place it in the same directory as the code itself :) have fun. If there are any problems please post a comment :)
CONTROLS>> left MB increase speed; right MB decrease speed; middle MB pouse game and resume aswell

from Tkinter import *
from math import *
import time
import threading
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from random import *
import winsound
import tkFont

root = Tk(); root.geometry( "600x400+350+150" ); root.title( "Snake III" )
c = Canvas( root, width = 600, height = 400, bg = 'white', cursor = "diamond_cross" ); c.pack()

xM, yM = 100, 100; xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = 5, 595, 5, 395; game = True
c.create_rectangle( xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, width = 3 )
coordinates = []; lives = 5; score = 0; speed = 0.06
body = [ c.create_line( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), c.create_line( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ]

food = c.create_image( 0, 0 ); food2 = c.create_image( 0, 0 ); food3 = c.create_image( 0, 0 ); diskR, diskX, diskY = 0, 0, 0; diskR2, diskX2, diskY2 = 0, 0, 0; diskR3, diskX3, diskY3 = 0, 0, 0
f = 'apple.jpg' )
f1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage( f ); f2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage( f ); f3 = ImageTk.PhotoImage( f )

c.create_text( 100, 30, text = "Apples >>", font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 12 ) ); ap = c.create_text( 0, 0 )
c.create_text( 300, 30, text = "Score >>", font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 12 ) ); sc = c.create_text( 0, 0 )
c.create_text( 500, 30, text = "Lives >>", font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 12 ) ); li = c.create_text( 0, 0 )

def end_x( x, d, a ):
    return x + sin( radians( a ) ) * d

def end_y( y, d, a):
    return y - cos( radians( a ) ) * d


def food_appearing():
    global diskR, diskX, diskY, food, f1, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax

    c.delete ( food )
    diskX = randint( 10, 590 )
    diskY = randint( 48, 390 )
    if xMin + 10 <= diskX <= xMax - 10 and yMin + 10 <= diskY <= xMax - 10:
        food = c.create_image( diskX, diskY, image = f1 )

def food2_appearing():
    global diskR2, diskX2, diskY2, food2, f2, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax

    c.delete ( food2 )
    diskX2 = randint( 10, 590 )
    diskY2 = randint( 48, 390 )
    if xMin + 10 <= diskX2 <= xMax - 10 and yMin + 10 <= diskY2 <= xMax - 10:
        food2 = c.create_image( diskX2, diskY2, image = f2 )

def food3_appearing():
    global diskR3, diskX3, diskY3, food3, f3, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax

    c.delete ( food3 )
    diskX3 = randint( 10, 590 )
    diskY3 = randint( 48, 390 )
    if xMin + 10 <= diskX3 <= xMax - 10 and yMin + 10 <= diskY3 <= xMax - 10:
        food3 = c.create_image( diskX3, diskY3, image = f3 )

def remove_snake( coord_list, head_of_snake, l, bod ):
    global score, sc
    c.delete( head_of_snake ); c.update()
    for part in coord_list:
            time.sleep( 0.09 )
            score -= 2; c.delete( sc ); sc = c.create_text( 370, 30, text = score, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
            c.delete( part ); c.update()
    if l <= 0:
        fin = c.create_text( 310, 170, text = "Score >> " + str( score ), font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) ); c.update()
        time.sleep( 3 ); c.delete( fin )
        rest = c.create_text( 310, 170, text = "Restarting...", font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) ); c.update()
        time.sleep( 2 )
        c.delete( rest ); c.update()

def moveSnake():
    global xM, yM, coordinates, body, game, diskX, diskY, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, score, lives, ap, li, sc, speed

    c.delete( ap, li, sc )
    head = c.create_oval( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); 
    xS = 10; yS = 200; xM, yM = 100, 100
    count = 0; speed = 0.06
    food_appearing(); food2_appearing(); food3_appearing();
    apples = 0
    ap = c.create_text( 170, 30, text = apples, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
    sc = c.create_text( 370, 30, text = score, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
    li = c.create_text( 545, 30, text = lives, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
    xM, yM = 100, 100
    coordinates = []
    body = [ c.create_line( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), c.create_line( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ]
    p = c.create_text( 0, 0 )
    while True:
            if game:
                c.delete( p )
                time.sleep( speed )
                # find the distance between the point xS = 10 and yS = 200 and the coordinates of the mouse using d = sqrt( ( x1 - x2 ) ** 2 + ( y1 - y2 ) ** 2 )
                # and then using end_x = x + sin( a ) * d we have -sin( a ) = ( x - end_x ) / d we find that a = -sin( ( x - end_x ) / d )
                # and then multiply by 100 to get the actual angle
                dist = sqrt( ( ( xS - xM ) ** 2 ) + ( ( yS - yM ) ** 2 ) )
                a = -sin( ( ( xS - xM ) / dist ) ); angle = a * 100
                if yM > yS:
                    angle = -angle + 180 # invert angle and add 180 to invert the direction

                    c.delete( head ); head = c.create_oval( xS, yS, xS + 10, yS + 10, fill = "brown" )
                coordinates += [ ( xS, yS, end_x( xS, 10, angle ), end_y( yS, 10, angle ) ) ]

                if len( coordinates ) > 1:
                    del coordinates[ : -len( body ) - 1 ]
                    tmp = 0
                    for part in body:
                        c.delete( part ); body.remove( part )
                        part = c.create_oval( coordinates[ tmp ][ 0 ], coordinates[ tmp ][ 1 ], coordinates[ tmp ][ 0 ] + 10, coordinates[ tmp ][ 1 ] + 10, fill = "green" )
                        body.insert( 0, part )
                        tmp += 1

                if diskX - 13 <= xS <= diskX + 8 and diskY - 13 <= yS <= diskY + 5:           
                    winsound.PlaySound( 'notify', winsound.SND_ASYNC )
                    apples += 1; score += 25; c.delete( ap, sc )
                    ap = c.create_text( 170, 30, text = apples, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
                    sc = c.create_text( 370, 30, text = score, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
                    w = c.create_image( 0, 0 )
                    body += [ w ]
                if diskX2 - 13 <= xS <= diskX2 + 8 and diskY2 - 13 <= yS <= diskY2 + 5:           
                    winsound.PlaySound( 'notify', winsound.SND_ASYNC )
                    apples += 1; score += 25; c.delete( ap, sc )
                    ap = c.create_text( 170, 30, text = apples, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
                    sc = c.create_text( 370, 30, text = score, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
                    w = c.create_image( 0, 0 )
                    body += [ w ]
                if diskX3 - 13 <= xS <= diskX3 + 8 and diskY3 - 13 <= yS <= diskY3 + 5:           
                    winsound.PlaySound( 'notify', winsound.SND_ASYNC )
                    apples += 1; score += 25; c.delete( ap, sc )
                    ap = c.create_text( 170, 30, text = apples, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
                    sc = c.create_text( 370, 30, text = score, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
                    w = c.create_image( 0, 0 )
                    body += [ w ]

                for i in coordinates[ 1: len( body ) - 1 ]:
                    if int( i[ 0 ] ) - 5 <= int( xS ) <= int( i[ 0 ] ) + 5 and int( i[ 1 ] ) - 5 <= int( yS ) <= int( i[ 1 ] ) + 5:
                        apples = 0; lives -= 1; c.delete( ap, li )
                        ap = c.create_text( 170, 30, text = apples, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
                        li = c.create_text( 545, 30, text = lives, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
                        remove_snake( body, head, lives, body )

                if xS <= xMin or xS >= xMax - 10 or yS <= yMin or yS >= yMax - 8:
                    apples = 0; lives -= 1; c.delete( ap, li )
                    ap = c.create_text( 170, 30, text = apples, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
                    li = c.create_text( 545, 30, text = lives, font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) )
                    remove_snake( body, head, lives, body )

                # Here I use the angle to find the next point according to the mouse coordinates, and this repeats as long as the mouse is in the Canvas window
                xS = end_x( xS, 10, angle )
                yS = end_y( yS, 10, angle )
                count += 1
                c.delete( p )
                p = c.create_text( 310, 170, text = "...Paused...", font = tkFont.Font( family = 'Papyrus', size = 15 ) ); c.update()
def movement( event ):
    global xM, yM
    xM = event.x; yM = event.y
def increaseSpeed( event ):
    global speed
    speed -= 0.01

def decreaseSpeed( event ):
    global speed
    speed += 0.01

def pause( event ):
    global game
    if game == True: game = False
    else: game = True

c.bind( "<Button-1>", increaseSpeed )
c.bind( "<Button-2>", pause )
c.bind( "<Button-3>", decreaseSpeed )
c.bind( "<Motion>", movement )


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