Let's say you want to send a short private message to your friend, but don't want grandma to snoop around and find it. One way is to use the Python Image Library (PIL) and hide the message in a picture file's pixels. Just looking at the picture you will barely detect any difference between the before and after picture. All your friend needs is the decode_image portion of this simple code to get the message back.
Hide Private Message in an Image (Python)
Slavi commented: Pretty damn cool +6
ddanbe commented: Great! +15
''' PIL_HideText1.py
hide a short message (255 char max) in an image
the image has to be .bmp or .png format
and the image mode has to be 'RGB'
from PIL import Image
def encode_image(img, msg):
use the red portion of an image (r, g, b) tuple to
hide the msg string characters as ASCII values
red value of the first pixel is used for length of string
length = len(msg)
# limit length of message to 255
if length > 255:
print("text too long! (don't exeed 255 characters)")
return False
if img.mode != 'RGB':
print("image mode needs to be RGB")
return False
# use a copy of image to hide the text in
encoded = img.copy()
width, height = img.size
index = 0
for row in range(height):
for col in range(width):
r, g, b = img.getpixel((col, row))
# first value is length of msg
if row == 0 and col == 0 and index < length:
asc = length
elif index <= length:
c = msg[index -1]
asc = ord(c)
asc = r
encoded.putpixel((col, row), (asc, g , b))
index += 1
return encoded
def decode_image(img):
check the red portion of an image (r, g, b) tuple for
hidden message characters (ASCII values)
width, height = img.size
msg = ""
index = 0
for row in range(height):
for col in range(width):
r, g, b = img.getpixel((col, row))
except ValueError:
# need to add transparency a for some .png files
r, g, b, a = img.getpixel((col, row))
# first pixel r value is length of message
if row == 0 and col == 0:
length = r
elif index <= length:
msg += chr(r)
index += 1
return msg
# pick a .png or .bmp file you have in the working directory
# or give full path name
original_image_file = "Beach7.png"
#original_image_file = "Beach7.bmp"
img = Image.open(original_image_file)
# image mode needs to be 'RGB'
print(img, img.mode) # test
# create a new filename for the modified/encoded image
encoded_image_file = "enc_" + original_image_file
# don't exceed 255 characters in the message
secret_msg = "this is a secret message added to the image"
print(len(secret_msg)) # test
img_encoded = encode_image(img, secret_msg)
if img_encoded:
# save the image with the hidden text
print("{} saved!".format(encoded_image_file))
# view the saved file, works with Windows only
# behaves like double-clicking on the saved file
import os
# or activate the default viewer associated with the image
# works on more platforms like Windows and Linux
import webbrowser
# get the hidden text back ...
img2 = Image.open(encoded_image_file)
hidden_text = decode_image(img2)
print("Hidden text:\n{}".format(hidden_text))
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nourimane commented: Changing some pixels only can made a small error in compressed format but if the image is large these errors remain invisible for the human eye. +0
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