Hello, C question here (running on Linux, though there should be no platform specific code).

After reading through a few examples, and following one in a book, for linked lists i thought i would try my own small program. The problem is, I seem to be having trouble with memory, i.e. sometimes my program will work and display the correct output, and sometimes it will not and display garbage (in a printf call) so i assume i have been using memory not allocated to my linked list structure.

My code is below and you can ignore anything refering to taglib (it gets id3 tags in mp3 files) as i have commented it out. The loadMusicCollection() function is also unused in this example as i am having problems before that.

Basically, everything works if (from main()) i call dirSearch then readMusicCollection(), i.e. the output makes sense. However, as in the example below, when i call saveMusicCollection() the output goes funny (i get File - s���������� rather than File - song1.mp3 or whatever) so i assume it is accessing an incorrect memory location. However, as far as i am aware, i have correctly used malloc() and free() and i cannot work out why calling saveMusicCollection() before readMusicCollection() would cause the output to corrupt.

If anyone wants to run this - it searches in the current directory and all sub dirs for files of type mp3 (can be changed) and at the moment will print out the file name (stored in the double linked list) - don't bother running it with any command line arguments as it will just call loadMusicCollection(). I ran it with 2 mp3 files in the current directory, 1 in a sub dir and 2 in a sub dir of that.

Any help appreciated.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <tag_c.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h> //Only gives a warning if missing, not error.

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

char* getExtension(char *fileName); //From fileUtils.c
void init(void);
void dirSearch(char *path, char *extensionWanted);
int saveMusicCollection(void);
int loadMusicCollection(void);
void readMusicCollection(void);

//The original working directory, set at startup.
char *origwd = NULL;

//Double linked list format.
struct song {
	struct dirent *file;
	//TagLib_File *taglibFile;
	struct song *next;
	struct song *previous;

struct song *firstSong = NULL;
struct song *currentSong = NULL;
struct song *nextSong = NULL;
struct song *previousSong = NULL;
struct song *lastSong = NULL;

FILE *datafile = NULL;
char *filename = "music.dat";

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

	if (argc > 1) 
		//Create the first song of the linked list.
		firstSong = malloc(sizeof(*firstSong));
		if (firstSong == NULL)
			printf("Error allocating memory.\n");
		currentSong = firstSong;

		//Search the current directory and all sub-directories for mp3 files.
		dirSearch(".", "mp3");
		//Set the next field for the last song in the linked list to NULL.
		lastSong = previousSong;
		lastSong->next = NULL;
		free(currentSong); //currentSong is also nextSong.

		chdir(origwd); //Now change back to the original pwd.




void init(void)
	origwd = (char *) malloc(PATH_MAX);
	getcwd(origwd, PATH_MAX ); //First store the pwd.


 * Note: after function has run the current directory will be set to
 * the last sub directory.
void dirSearch(char *path, char *extensionWanted)
	DIR *dhandle = NULL;
	struct dirent *drecord = NULL;
	struct stat sbuf;
	int x;
	char *fileExtension = NULL;
	//TagLib_File *taglibFile = NULL;

	dhandle = opendir(path);
	if(dhandle == NULL)
		printf("Error opening directory '%s'\n",path);

	x = chdir(path);
	if( x != 0)
		printf("Error changing to '%s'\n",path);

	//printf("Directory of '%s':\n",path);
	while( (drecord = readdir(dhandle)) != NULL) //For each directory entry (dirs and files)
			if( strcmp(drecord->d_name,".") == 0 ||strcmp(drecord->d_name,"..") == 0 )
				//Either this dir or parent dir so we don't want to start another search here.
			dirSearch(drecord->d_name, extensionWanted); //Recursion.
		else //a file
			fileExtension = (char*)getExtension(drecord->d_name);
			if (fileExtension != NULL)
				//Check file is of the type wanted.
				if (strcmp(fileExtension, extensionWanted) == 0)
					printf("file wanted, name = %s\n",drecord->d_name);
					currentSong->file = drecord;

					/*taglibFile = taglib_file_new(drecord->d_name);
					if (currentSong->taglibFile == NULL)
						printf("its null\n");
						printf("its not null\n");
						printf("curr song name = %s\n", currentSong->file->d_name);
					currentSong->taglibFile = taglibFile;*/

					if (previousSong == NULL) //This will be the first song.
						currentSong->previous = NULL;
						currentSong->previous = previousSong;

					nextSong = malloc(sizeof(*nextSong));
					if (nextSong == NULL)
						printf("Error allocating memory.\n");
					currentSong->next = nextSong;

					previousSong = currentSong;
					currentSong = nextSong;

int saveMusicCollection(void)
	if (firstSong == NULL)
		return(0); //No data to write.

	datafile = fopen(filename, "wb");

	if (datafile == NULL)
		printf("Error writing to %s\n", filename);

	currentSong = firstSong;
	while (currentSong != NULL)
		fwrite(currentSong, sizeof(*currentSong), 1, datafile);
		printf("in save File - %s\n", currentSong->file->d_name);
		currentSong = currentSong->next;
		//printf("file pointer at = %d\n", ftell(datafile));
		//printf("size of song = %d\n", sizeof(struct song));
	printf("Data saved to %s\n", filename);

/// <summary>
/// </summary>
	/*datafile = fopen("test.txt", "w");

	if (datafile == NULL)
		printf("Error writing to %s\n", filename);

	currentSong = firstSong;
	while (currentSong != NULL)
		fprintf(datafile, currentSong->file->d_name);
		printf("File - %s\n", currentSong->file->d_name);
		currentSong = currentSong->next;
	printf("Data saved to %s\n", "test.txt");


int loadMusicCollection(void)
	datafile = fopen(filename, "rb");
	if(datafile != NULL)
		firstSong = malloc(sizeof(*firstSong));
		if (firstSong == NULL)
			printf("Error allocating memory.\n");
		currentSong = firstSong;
			fread(currentSong, sizeof(*currentSong), 1, datafile);
			printf("File - %s\n", currentSong->file->d_name);

			if (previousSong == NULL) //This will be the first song.
				currentSong->previous = NULL;
				currentSong->previous = previousSong;

			if (currentSong->next == NULL) //No more songs.

			previousSong = currentSong;
			nextSong = malloc(sizeof(*nextSong));
			if (nextSong == NULL)
						printf("Error allocating memory.\n");
			currentSong->next = nextSong;
			currentSong = nextSong;
		printf("Data read from %s\n", filename);
		printf("Error reading from %s\n", filename);

void readMusicCollection(void)
	//TagLib_Tag *tag;

	currentSong = firstSong;
	while (currentSong != NULL)
		//if (currentSong->taglibFile != NULL)
		//	tag = taglib_file_tag(currentSong->taglibFile);

			printf("File - %s\n", currentSong->file->d_name);
			//printf("Artist - %s\n", taglib_tag_artist(tag));
			//printf("Title - %s\n", taglib_tag_title(tag));
		currentSong = currentSong -> next;

The getExtension() funtion is in another file (no problems with this function):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

 *	Get the extension of a fileName (pointer to a string).
 *	Return that extension (as a pointer) or NULL if there
 *	is no extension.
char* getExtension(char *fileName)
	char search_char = '.';
	char *position = NULL;
	int index;
	char *extension = NULL;

	//Search for the last ".".
	position = strrchr(fileName, search_char);
	if (position == NULL) //No extension
	else //Has extension.
		index = fileName - position;

    	if (index < 0)
			index *= -1; //Take absolute value.

		//Now work out the extension.
		extension = position + 1;

		return extension;

# struct song {
# struct dirent *file;
My guess is that you've only copied the pointer to the directory entry of the file, which has obviously been re-used or gone out of scope by the time you get to print it.

Allocate space for, and manually copy the filename that you find.

I created a smaller more manageable test file to try and understand the situation better.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct testLL {
	int number;
	int *pnumber;
	char letter;
	char *pletter;
	struct testLL *next;
	struct testLL *previous;

char testData[5] = {'a','b','c','d','e'};

struct testLL *firstLL;
struct testLL *currentLL;
struct testLL *nextLL;
struct testLL *previousLL;
struct testLL *lastLL;

FILE *datafile = NULL;
char *filename = "ll.dat";

void populateLL(void);
int loadLL(void);
int saveLL(void);
void readLL(void);
void reverseReadLL(void);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if (argc > 1) 
		firstLL = malloc(sizeof(*firstLL));
		if (firstLL == NULL)
			printf("Error allocating memory.\n");
		currentLL = firstLL;


void populateLL(void)
	int i;
	int *tmp;
	int tmpval;

	for (i=0;i<5;i++)
		currentLL->number = i;
		//tmp = malloc(sizeof(i));
		//tmp = &i;
		tmpval = i;
		tmp = &tmpval;
		currentLL->pnumber = tmp;
		currentLL->letter = testData[i];
		char tmpletter = testData[i];
		currentLL->pletter = &tmpletter;

		printf("Populating, number = %d\n", currentLL->number);
		printf("Populating, pnumber = %d\n", *currentLL->pnumber);
		printf("Populating, letter = %c\n", currentLL->letter);
		printf("Populating, pletter = %c\n", *currentLL->pletter);

		if (previousLL == NULL) //first LL
			currentLL->previous = NULL;
			currentLL->previous = previousLL;

		nextLL = malloc(sizeof(*nextLL));
		if (nextLL == NULL)
			printf("Error allocating memory.\n");
		currentLL->next = nextLL;

		previousLL = currentLL;
		currentLL = nextLL;

	lastLL = previousLL;
	lastLL->next = NULL;
	free(nextLL); //currentLL is also nextLL


int saveLL(void)
	if (firstLL == NULL)
		return(0); //No data to write.

	datafile = fopen(filename, "wb");

	if (datafile == NULL)
		printf("Error writing to %s\n", filename);

	currentLL = firstLL;
	while (currentLL != NULL)
		fwrite(currentLL, sizeof(*currentLL), 1, datafile);
		printf("Saving, number = %d\n", currentLL->number);
		printf("Saving, pnumber = %d\n", *currentLL->pnumber);
		printf("Saving, letter = %c\n", currentLL->letter);
		printf("Saving, pletter = %c\n", *currentLL->pletter);
		currentLL = currentLL->next;
	printf("Data saved to %s\n", filename);


int loadLL(void)
	datafile = fopen(filename, "rb");
	if(datafile != NULL)
		firstLL = malloc(sizeof(*firstLL));
		if (firstLL == NULL)
			printf("Error allocating memory.\n");
		currentLL = firstLL;
			fread(currentLL, sizeof(*currentLL), 1, datafile);
			printf("Loading, number = %d\n", currentLL->number);
			printf("Loading, pnumber = %d\n", *currentLL->pnumber);
			printf("Loading, letter = %c\n", currentLL->letter);
			printf("Loading, pletter = %c\n", *currentLL->pletter);

			if (previousLL == NULL) //This will be the first LL.
				currentLL->previous = NULL;
				currentLL->previous = previousLL;

			if (currentLL->next == NULL) //No more LLs.

			previousLL = currentLL;
			nextLL = malloc(sizeof(*nextLL));
			if (nextLL == NULL)
						printf("Error allocating memory.\n");
			currentLL->next = nextLL;
			currentLL = nextLL;
		printf("Data read from %s\n", filename);
		printf("Error reading from %s\n", filename);

void readLL(void)
	currentLL = firstLL;
	while (currentLL != NULL)
		printf("Reading, number = %d\n", currentLL->number);
		printf("Reading, pnumber = %d\n", *currentLL->pnumber);
		printf("Reading, letter = %c\n", currentLL->letter);
		printf("Reading, pletter = %c\n", *currentLL->pletter);
		currentLL = currentLL -> next;

If run with no arguments (so the linked list is populated, saved to disk, then read) i get:

Populating, number = 0
Populating, pnumber = 0
Populating, letter = a
Populating, pletter = a
Populating, number = 1
Populating, pnumber = 1
Populating, letter = b
Populating, pletter = b
Populating, number = 2
Populating, pnumber = 2
Populating, letter = c
Populating, pletter = c
Populating, number = 3
Populating, pnumber = 3
Populating, letter = d
Populating, pletter = d
Populating, number = 4
Populating, pnumber = 4
Populating, letter = e
Populating, pletter = e

Saving, number = 0
Saving, pnumber = 1
Saving, letter = a
Saving, pletter = e
Saving, number = 1
Saving, pnumber = 1
Saving, letter = b
Saving, pletter = e
Saving, number = 2
Saving, pnumber = 1
Saving, letter = c
Saving, pletter = e
Saving, number = 3
Saving, pnumber = 1
Saving, letter = d
Saving, pletter = e
Saving, number = 4
Saving, pnumber = 1
Saving, letter = e
Saving, pletter = e
Data saved to ll.dat

Reading, number = 0
Reading, pnumber = -1073973416
Reading, letter = a
Reading, pletter =
Reading, number = 1
Reading, pnumber = -1073973416
Reading, letter = b
Reading, pletter =
Reading, number = 2
Reading, pnumber = -1073973416
Reading, letter = c
Reading, pletter =
Reading, number = 3
Reading, pnumber = -1073973416
Reading, letter = d
Reading, pletter =
Reading, number = 4
Reading, pnumber = -1073973416
Reading, letter = e
Reading, pletter =

I think the problem i'm having is with pointers within the structures, i'm not sure if i'm allocating them correctly (at the start of populateLL()). Any ideas?


struct testLL {
	int number;
	int *pnumber; //!!!
	char letter;
	char *pletter; //!!!
	struct testLL *next;
	struct testLL *previous;

The two pointers
- CANNOT be written out to a file just by using fwrite() on the whole structure, then expect them to mean anything when you read them back in with fread().
You have to allocate space for the pointers, and (recursively) follow the pointers to write out what the data really is at the end of the pointer chain.

> tmp = &tmpval;
> currentLL->pnumber = tmp;
tmpval is a local, so it disappears when the function exits.
When it disappears, ALL pointers to it are invalid.

Okay, so is there a way to retain a local variable after a function exits?

Copy it to a global variable (or variable in the calling function) perhaps. But then that brings the problem of dynamically allocating memory if i don't know how many local variable will be created (e.g. how many files i may find).

> Okay, so is there a way to retain a local variable after a function exits?
You can make it static, but that won't solve your problem as everything will end up pointing at the same variable.

You basically have to allocate (using malloc etc) any space you need for each node in the list.
But since you're already calling malloc to create each node, that won't be an issue.

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