I am a newbie on Java. I think im lucky to find this site.
I am doing a technical presentation and my title is to present about IDE on Java. I have researched on some of the IDEs for Java such as Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder,Jcreator.
My presentations would be on Eclipse and Netbeans. I downloaded the software. But i need to download the source code of the IDE.
Where and how can i get that? Anyone can show me the way??

What's the point of downloading the source code? you aren't going to present an extension to the IDEs are you?

The source code for any of those projects will be mammoths if you are new to Java and/or have no software engineering project experience.


I am a newbie on Java. I think im lucky to find this site.
I am doing a technical presentation and my title is to present about IDE on Java. I have researched on some of the IDEs for Java such as Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder,Jcreator.
My presentations would be on Eclipse and Netbeans. I downloaded the software. But i need to download the source code of the IDE.
Where and how can i get that? Anyone can show me the way??

ehmm that post is three and half year old. Do you believe they still interested in it?

seems to be a new hobby, creating forum account, reviving useless ancient threads (usually with nonsense information), and disappearing.

I've been seeing it a lot lately both here and elsewhere.

I need Netbeans IDE sourse code on my email.... <EMAIL SNIPPED>
Pze help me sir..

Closing this meaningless zombie now.

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