Please I'm new to this forum and I need a help with my code.I have written it all and compiled but it doesnt seem to bring any output(I'm reading the input from a file on my system).Please bail me out, I need to turn it in soonest

#include <conio.h>

using namespace std; 

struct node
     string firstName;    // firstName  letters
     string lastName;     //lastName letters
     string  telnumber;          // Telephone number
     string housenumber;       // fax number
     string city;             // city
     string state;            //state
     string zipcode;          //zipcode
     node *link;        // Pointer to next node

node *head = NULL;

//Function to add a node to the list
//Sets the list head to newNode if list is empty
//Add the newNOde to the next position in the list if list is not empty
void add_node_at_end (node & newNode)
  node *temp, *temp2;   // Temporary pointers

     // fill the newNOde with the incoming data
     temp = new node;
     temp->firstName = newNode.firstName;
     temp->lastName = newNode.lastName;
     temp->telnumber = newNode.telnumber;
     temp->housenumber = newNode.housenumber;
    temp->city =;
     temp->state = newNode.state;
     temp->zipcode = newNode.zipcode;
     temp->link = NULL;

     // Add this node to the list
     if (head == NULL)
         head = temp;
            temp2 = head;
            // if the list not empty!
     while (temp2->link != NULL)
           {  temp2 = temp2->link;
           // Move to next link in chain
         temp2->link = temp;

//Function ito displays the output file

void DisplayList(ofstream & outfile)
  node * temp = head;
  {  if (temp == NULL)
       cout << "End of list" << endl;
       {  // Display details for what temp points to
          outfile << "firstName : " << temp->firstName << endl;
          outfile << "lastName : " << temp->lastName << endl;
          outfile << "telnumber : " << temp->telnumber << endl;
          outfile << "housenumber : " << temp->housenumber << endl;
          outfile << "city : " << temp->city << endl;
          outfile << "state : " << temp->state << endl;
          outfile << "zipcode : " << temp->zipcode << endl;
          outfile << endl;       // Blank line

          // Move to next node (if present)
          temp = temp->link;
while (temp != NULL);

//Deleting node at head
  void delete_start_node()
     node *temp;
     temp = head;
     head = head->link;
     delete temp;
    //deleting at end
   void delete_end_node()
     node *temp1, *temp2;  // Temporary pointers
     //Deleting a node at the end of the list
   if (head == NULL)
     cout << "The list is empty!" << endl;
      temp1 = head;
   if (temp1->link == NULL)     
         delete temp1;
         head = NULL;
         while (temp1->link != NULL)
          temp2 = temp1;
          temp1 = temp1->link;
         delete temp1;
         temp2->link = NULL;
void add_node_at_start (node & newNode)
  node * temp = 0;   // Temporary pointers

     // Reserve space for new node and fill it with data
     temp = new node;
      temp->firstName = newNode.firstName;
      temp->lastName = newNode.lastName;
      temp->telnumber = newNode.telnumber;
      temp->housenumber = newNode.housenumber;
      temp->city =;
      temp->state = newNode.state;
      temp->zipcode = newNode.zipcode;
      temp->link = head;
       head = temp;

void add_in_middle(node & newNode)
          node * newNodePtr = 0;   // Temporary pointers

     // Reserve space for new node and fill it with data
     newNodePtr = new node;
  newNodePtr->firstName = newNode.firstName;
      newNodePtr->lastName = newNode.lastName;
      newNodePtr->telnumber = newNode.telnumber;
      newNodePtr->housenumber = newNode.housenumber;
      newNodePtr->city =;
      newNodePtr->state = newNode.state;
      newNodePtr->zipcode = newNode.zipcode;
     newNodePtr->link= head->link;
     head->link =newNodePtr;
void delete_in_middle ()
     node * temp;  // Temporary pointer
     // check to see if the list is empty
     if (head!= NULL)
        // check to see if there is more than 1 node in the list
        if (head->link != NULL)
           temp= head->link->link ;
           delete  head->link;
           head->link = temp;
int main(void) 
   node inputNode;
   ifstream infile;  // input file"c:\\pbinput.txt");
   if (!infile) 
      cerr << "Unable to open file inputfile.txt";
      exit(1);   // call system to stop
   ofstream outfile;
   if (!outfile) 
      cerr << "Unable to open file outputForPow.txt";
      exit(1);   // call system to stop
   outfile << "This file contains the input and output for the Power function " << endl << endl;
   int i = 0;
     while (!infile.eof())
         infile >> inputNode.lastName >> inputNode.firstName >> inputNode.telnumber >> inputNode.housenumber >> >> inputNode.state >> inputNode.zipcode ;
         outfile << "Last name: " << inputNode.lastName << " first name: " <<  inputNode.firstName << " tel number: " <<  inputNode.telnumber << " house number: " <<  inputNode.housenumber << " city: " << << " state : " <<  inputNode.state << " zip code: " <<  inputNode.zipcode  << endl;
         if ((i % 3) == 0)
            outfile << "Adding to end of list " << endl;
            add_node_at_end (inputNode);
         else if ((i %3) == 3)
             outfile << "Adding to beginning of list " << endl;
             add_node_at_start (inputNode);
            outfile << "Adding to the middle of list " << endl;
    outfile << "displaying list after reading input: " << endl;
    outfile << "displaying list after deleting first node: " << endl;
    outfile << "displaying list after deleting last node: " << endl;
    outfile << "displaying list after deleting a node in the middle of the list: " << endl;

I'm sorry, I forgot to include that it is a phonebook and implemented in a singly linked list

What does your input file contain? The program looks OK to me. However, it can not print anything if it does not have input file. lolz!

First, how does it compile without the <string> library included?

Once that's fixed, it does output, to the file, as you designed the program to do.

Your input, however, will not be correct, using the infile >> inputNode.lastName >> inputNode.firstName >> .... method. This gets one "word" at a time for each input, so street address and possibly city names will be broken up. If the input file is formatted one field per line (first name, last name, street address, etc), then you can use getline( ).

Once data is read in, you call many list functions. The program is mysteriously waiting for you to press a key to continue, with no indication that you must. It does seem to do what it's supposed to do.

Also, the line else if ((i %3) == 3) will never be true. What is the range of possible responses from the mod operator?

(added) You may be experiencing a hanging program with the input loop control you use:

while (!infile.eof())
        infile >> inputNode.lastName >> ....

eof will not be detected until you try to read after the last successful input, so input will hang, thus not completing the loop. Put the whole input line as the while( ) condition, and you should see something better occuring.

while (infile >> inputNode.lastName >> .........)
     //processing begins
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