ok so yesterday i had issues with devc++ (where my code occasionally compiled) and when i tried to run the "compiled" program it says "source not compiled" (when really..i hit the compile button).
So..i have now installed Visual c++ 2008, and i cant create a new project, it just says "Automation server cant create object!).
Then,....i move onto Code::Blocks C++ compiler; and i paste in the following from my previous devc++.
/*A program that calculates the area and the perimether of rectangular piece of land*/
#include <iostream.h>
typedef unsigned short int pint;
int main()
pint width;
pint length;
pint area=(width*length);
pint perM=( (width+width) + (length+length) );
pint answer;
cout<<"Enter the width of the land:\n";
cin>> width;
cout<<"Enter the length of the land:\n";
cout<<"\nPress 1 to calculate the area 'or' Press 2 to calculate the perimeter\n";
cin>> answer;
if (answer == 1)
cout<<"The area of the land is:" << area << "m2";
if (answer == 2)
cout<<"The perimeter is:" << perM << "meters";
if (answer > 2)
cout<<"I said press 1 or 2; not press some other random button!!!";
so after pasting that i go build>"compile current file" on code::blocks
and then nothing happens!!!,
Im confused and i cannot even run my code (which....i spent 30mins doing, keep in mind im a newbie)
Any suggestions as to why all this is happening? and is there anything i can do? is my code correct?
(edit2:: the same problem from devc++ is in code::blocks now??!)