As part of my University coursework I have to implement a simulation of a desert island with 2 sharks swimming around it in opposite directions and when a button (I have chosen the island) is clicked, the sharks should change their direction. As of now I have 2 sharks (cones) swimming in opposite directions around an island (sphere) but I cannot correctly implement the picking operation needed to detect clicks upon the island and act accordingly..

Below is my current code, I need help trying to make the picking operation work, right now nothing happens, not even when I click anywhere around the window.. thanks.

// TODO: 
// 1: Allow clicking of a button to change direction of sharks
// 2: Get .obj models for shark and islands
// 3: find a better way of texturing the background i.e. tiling image etc
// 4: Change the viewpoint and maybe allow mouse/key nevigation

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
//import java.awt.event.;

import com.sun.j3d.utils.applet.MainFrame; 
import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Sphere;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Cone;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.SimpleUniverse;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.image.TextureLoader;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Primitive;


import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
import javax.vecmath.Color3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3d; 

import com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.PickCanvas;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.PickResult;
import com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.behaviors.PickMouseBehavior;
import com.sun.j3d.loaders.Scene;
import com.microcrowd.loader.java3d.max3ds.Loader3DS;

public class DesertIsland extends Applet {

     private Canvas3D canvas3D;
     private SimpleUniverse simpleU;
     private BoundingSphere bounds;

         // Initialize transformgroup objects for the shark movement.
     private TransformGroup tgShark1;// = new TransformGroup();
       private TransformGroup shark1; // Shark object
     private TransformGroup tgShark2;// = new TransformGroup();
       private TransformGroup shark2; // Shark object

     public BranchGroup createSceneGraph() 
println("createSceneGraph() BEGIN; ");
         ///////////////// Create Shapes /////////////////
println("Creating Scene Graph object.");
         // Create the root of the branch graph
         BranchGroup objRoot = new BranchGroup();               
println("Creating Bounding Sphere.");
         // Set Application bounds
         bounds = new BoundingSphere( new Point3d( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) , 100.0 );
         // Create background       
println("Creating background.");
         Background bg = new Background();
println("Setting background bounds.");
         BranchGroup backGeoBranch = new BranchGroup();         
         Sphere sphereObj = new Sphere(1.1f, Sphere.GENERATE_NORMALS | Sphere.GENERATE_NORMALS_INWARD | Sphere.GENERATE_TEXTURE_COORDS, 45);         
         Appearance backgroundApp = sphereObj.getAppearance();         
println("Loading texture.");
         TextureLoader bgTextureLoader = new TextureLoader("sea-texture.jpg", new String("RGB"), this);
         if ( bgTextureLoader != null )
println("Set Background texture successfully.");
             backgroundApp.setTexture( bgTextureLoader.getTexture() );
println("Setting background geometry.");
println("Adding background to the scene graph");
         objRoot.addChild( bg );
println("Creating Island");
         // Create Green Circle for the island.
         Appearance islandAppearance = new Appearance();
println("Loading Island Texture.");
             TextureLoader ldr = new TextureLoader("island.GIF", this);
             Texture texIsland = ldr.getTexture();
println("Setting Island texture.");
             islandAppearance.setTexture( texIsland ); 
             islandAppearance.setTextureAttributes( new TextureAttributes( ) );
println("Creating sphere with texture for island.");
            //islandAppearance.setColoringAttributes( new ColoringAttributes( 1.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , ColoringAttributes.SHADE_FLAT ) );
         Sphere island = new Sphere( 0.3f , Primitive.GENERATE_TEXTURE_COORDS ,islandAppearance );
           island.setUserData( new String( "Island" ) );
println("Adding Island to the scene graph");
         objRoot.addChild( island );
         // Create 2 grey cones for sharks.
//         Appearance sharkAppearance = new Appearance();
//            sharkAppearance.setColoringAttributes( new ColoringAttributes( 0.5f , 0.5f, 0.5f, ColoringAttributes.NICEST ) );
//         Cone shark1 = new Cone( 0.05f , 0.1f , sharkAppearance );
//         Cone shark2 = new Cone( 0.05f , 0.1f , sharkAppearance );
println("Creating Sharks.");
         tgShark1 = new TransformGroup();
         tgShark2 = new TransformGroup();
println("Instantiating Shark objects.");
         shark1 = new TransformGroup();
         shark2 = new TransformGroup();
//         try
//         {
//            Loader3DS mlSh1 = new Loader3DS();
//            Loader3DS mlSh2 = new Loader3DS();
//              Scene sSh1 = mlSh1.load("models/Mezirozame0.3ds");
//              Scene sSh2 = mlSh2.load("models/Mezirozame0.3ds");
//                BranchGroup bSh1 = sSh1.getSceneGroup();
//                BranchGroup bSh2 = sSh2.getSceneGroup();
//                  tgShark1.addChild( bSh1 );
//                  tgShark2.addChild( bSh2 );
//         }
//         catch( e )
//         {
//            System.out.println( e );
//            System.out.println( "Using simple Cone objects as Sharks" );
println("Creating shark appearance.");
                Appearance sharkAppearance = new Appearance();
                  sharkAppearance.setColoringAttributes( new ColoringAttributes( 0.5f , 0.5f, 0.5f, ColoringAttributes.NICEST ) );
println("Creating cone shapes for sharks.");
                Cone cShark1 = new Cone( 0.05f , 0.1f , sharkAppearance );
                  cShark1.setUserData( new String("Shark 1") );
                Cone cShark2 = new Cone( 0.05f , 0.1f , sharkAppearance );
                  cShark2.setUserData( new String("Shark 2") );
                   shark1.addChild( cShark1 );
                   shark2.addChild( cShark2 );
//         }

println("Setting Shark1's read/write capabilities");
println("Setting Shark1's animation.");
println("Moving shark1 to the right.");
         Transform3D right = new Transform3D();
         Vector3d pos1 = new Vector3d( 0.4d , 0.0d , 0.0d );
         right.set( pos1 );
         TransformGroup tgMove1 = new TransformGroup( right );

println("Rotating Shark1 to upright position.");
         Transform3D t3dRot1 = new Transform3D();
         t3dRot1.rotX( ( Math.PI / 2.0 ) );
         TransformGroup tgRot1 = new TransformGroup( t3dRot1 );

println("Setting Shark1 spinner.");
         TransformGroup tgSpin1 = new TransformGroup();
         tgSpin1.setCapability( TransformGroup.ALLOW_TRANSFORM_WRITE ) ;
            // Set movement and direction etc  
            Alpha timeRamp1 = new Alpha( -1 , Alpha.DECREASING_ENABLE , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10000, 0, 0);
         RotationInterpolator rotator1 = new RotationInterpolator( timeRamp1, tgSpin1 );
         rotator1.setSchedulingBounds( bounds );

println("Assembling Shark1 Animation.");
println("Adding Shark 1 to the scene graph.");
         objRoot.addChild( tgShark1 );
            tgShark1.addChild( tgRot1 );
                tgRot1.addChild( tgSpin1 );
                    tgSpin1.addChild( tgMove1 );
                        tgMove1.addChild( rotator1 );
                            tgMove1.addChild( shark1 );
println("Setting Shark2's animation.");
println("Moving Shark2 to the left.");
         Transform3D left = new Transform3D();
         Vector3d pos2 = new Vector3d( -0.4d , 0.0d , 0.0d );
         left.set( pos2 );
         TransformGroup tgMove2 = new TransformGroup( left );
println("Rotationg Shark2 to the upright position.");
         Transform3D t3dRot2 = new Transform3D();
         t3dRot2.rotX( ( Math.PI / 2.0 ) );
         TransformGroup tgRot2 = new TransformGroup( t3dRot2 );
println("Setting Shark2 spinner.");
         TransformGroup tgSpin2 = new TransformGroup();
         tgSpin2.setCapability( TransformGroup.ALLOW_TRANSFORM_WRITE ) ;
             Alpha timeRamp2 = new Alpha( -1, 10000 ) ;
         RotationInterpolator rotator2 = new RotationInterpolator( timeRamp2 , tgSpin2 );
           rotator2.setSchedulingBounds( bounds );

println("Assembling Shark2.");
println("Adding Shark2 to the scene graph.");
         objRoot.addChild( tgShark2 );
            tgShark2.addChild( tgRot2 );
                tgRot2.addChild( tgSpin2 );
                    tgSpin2.addChild( tgMove2 );
                        tgMove2.addChild( rotator2 );
                            tgMove2.addChild( shark2 );
//         TransformGroup nav = new TransformGroup();
//         KeyNavigatorBehaviour kn = new KeyNavigatorBehaviour( nav );
//         kn.setSchedulingBounds( bounds );

//         objRoot.addChild( kn );     

println("Creating Picker object.");
         Picker picker = new Picker( canvas3D , objRoot , bounds , island , shark1 , shark2 );                                    
println("Adding Picker object to the scene graph");
         objRoot.addChild( picker );         
println("Compiling scene graph.");

println("createSceneGraph() END;");
         return objRoot;

    private void println( String s )
       System.out.println("@DESERTISLAND: " + s );

    public DesertIsland() 
println("Setting Layout.");
        setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
        GraphicsConfiguration config = SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration();

println("Creating Canvas.");
        canvas3D = new Canvas3D(config);
        add("Center", canvas3D);

println("Creating Scene Graph");
        BranchGroup scene = createSceneGraph();

println("Creating Simple Universe");
        simpleU = new SimpleUniverse(canvas3D);

println("Setting the view platform");
println("Creating Scene..");

    //  The following allows this to be run as an application
    //  as well as an applet

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Frame frame = new MainFrame(new DesertIsland(), 512, 512);

class Picker extends PickMouseBehavior
    private PickCanvas pickCanvas;
    private Node trigger;
    private Node shark1;
    private Node shark2;

    public Picker( Canvas3D canvas , BranchGroup root , Bounds bounds ,
                   Node triggerShape , Node sh1 , Node sh2 )
        super( canvas , root , bounds );
        pickCanvas = new PickCanvas( canvas , root );
        trigger = triggerShape;
        shark1 = sh1;
        shark2 = sh2;
print("Created instance of Picker class.");

    private void print( String s )
       System.out.println("@PICKER: " + s );

    public void updateScene(int xpos, int ypos)
print("updateScene() BEGIN;");
                PickResult pickResult = null;		
		pickCanvas.setShapeLocation(xpos, ypos);
		pickResult = pickCanvas.pickClosest();
                Shape3D shape = null;

		if (pickResult != null) 
                    if ( pickResult != null )
                       Node pickedShape = (Primitive) pickResult.getNode(PickResult.PRIMITIVE);
                       String pickedData = (String) pickedShape.getUserData();
                       if ( pickedData.equals( trigger.getUserData() ) )
                           print("Incorrect Shape");
                    print("No shape picked");

Anyone have any idea?

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