
#pragma once

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Point
	int x;
	int y;

	Point( int x, int y );
	Point( const Point &xPoint );

	void setX( int x );
	int getX() const;

	void setY( int y );
	int getY() const;

	Point & operator = ( const Point &xPoint );

	bool operator == ( const Point &xPoint ) const;

	bool includes( int cord_X, int cord_Y ) const;
	bool includes( const Point &xPoint ) const;

	void draw() const;



#include "Point.h"

Point::Point( void )
	this->x = 0;
	this->y = 0;

Point::Point( int x, int y )
	this->x = x;
	this->y = y;

Point::Point( const Point &xPoint )
	this->x = xPoint.x;
	this->y = xPoint.y;

Point::~Point( void ) {}


void Point::setX( int x ) // set X
	this->x = x;

void Point::setY( int y ) // set Y
	this->y = y;

int Point::getX() const // get X
	return ( this->x );

int Point::getY() const // get Y
	return ( this->y );


Point &Point::operator = ( const Point &xPoint )
	if( this != &xPoint )
		this->x = xPoint.x;
		this->y = xPoint.y;

    return ( *this );

bool Point::includes( int cord_X, int cord_Y ) const
	return ( this->x == cord_X && this->y == cord_Y );

void Point::draw() const
	cout << '.';


bool Point::operator == ( const Point &xPoint ) const
    bool isEquality = false;
    if( this->x == xPoint.x && this->y == xPoint.y )
	isEquality = true;
    return isEquality;



#pragma once

#include "Point.h"

const int MAXPoint = 100;

class PointCollection
	Point pts[ MAXPoint ];
	int quantity;

	PointCollection( void );
	PointCollection( const PointCollection &xPointCollection );
	~PointCollection( void );

	// To know how many Points are
	// ..in the collection
	int size() const; 

	PointCollection operator = ( const PointCollection &xPointCollection );

	PointCollection &operator + ( const Point &xPoint );
	Point &operator[]( int index );
	const Point &operator[]( int index ) const;

	bool isFull() const;
	bool isEmpty() const;

	bool includes( const Point &xPoint ) const;
	int indexOf( const Point &xPoint ) const;



#include "PointCollection.h"

PointCollection::PointCollection( void )
	this->quantity = 0;

PointCollection::PointCollection( const PointCollection &xPointCollection )
	this->quantity = xPointCollection.quantity;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity ; i++ )
		( this->pts )[ i ] = ( xPointCollection.pts )[ i ];

PointCollection::~PointCollection( void ) {}


int PointCollection::size() const
	return ( this->quantity );


Point &PointCollection::operator []( int index )
	return ( ( this->pts )[ index ] );

const Point &PointCollection::operator []( int index ) const
	return ( ( this->pts )[ index ] );


PointCollection PointCollection::operator =( const PointCollection &xPointCollection )
	this->quantity = xPointCollection.quantity;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity ; i++ )
		( this->pts )[ i ] = ( xPointCollection.pts )[ i ];

	return ( *this );

PointCollection &PointCollection::operator +( const Point &xPoint )
	(*this)[ this->quantity ] = xPoint;


	return ( *this );


bool PointCollection::isFull() const
	return ( this->quantity == MAXPoint );

bool PointCollection::isEmpty() const
	return ( this->quantity == 0 );


bool PointCollection::includes( const Point &xPoint ) const
	bool thisOne = false;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity && ! thisOne ; i++ )
		if( pts[ i ] == xPoint )
			thisOne = true;

	return ( thisOne );

int PointCollection::indexOf( const Point &xPoint ) const
	int index = -1;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity && index == -1 ; i++ )
		if( pts[ i ] == xPoint )
			index = i;

	return ( index );


#pragma once

#include "Point.h"

class Linea
	Point begin;
	Point end;

	Linea( void );
	Linea( const Linea &xLinea );
	Linea( Point XY1, Point XY2 );
	~Linea( void );

	Linea &operator = ( const Linea &xLinea );

	bool includes( int cord_X, int cord_Y ) const;
	bool operator == ( const Linea &xLinea ) const;

	double m() const; // Pendiente
	double b() const; // Intercept in Y

	bool isVertical() const;
	bool isHorizontal() const;
	bool isDiagonal() const;

	void draw() const;



#include "Linea.h"


Linea::Linea( Point XY1, Point XY2 ) 
	this->begin = begin;
	this->end = end;

Linea::Linea( const Linea &xLinea )
	this->begin = xLinea.begin;
	this->end = xLinea.end;

Linea::~Linea( void )


Linea &Linea::operator =( const Linea &xLinea )
	if( this != &xLinea )
		this->begin = xLinea.begin;
		this->end = xLinea.end;

    return ( *this );

bool Linea::operator == ( const Linea &xLinea ) const
    bool isEquality = false;
    if( this->begin == xLinea.begin &&
		this->end == xLinea.end )
	isEquality = true;
    return isEquality;


double Linea::m()const
	return ( (this->end.getY()) - (this->begin.getY()) ) / ((this->end.getX()) - (this->begin.getX()) );

double Linea::b()const
	return ( this->end.getY() - (this->m() * this->end.getX()) );

bool Linea::isVertical () const
	return ( ( (this->end.getX()) - (this->begin.getX()) ) == 0 );

bool Linea::isHorizontal () const
	return ( ( (this->end.getY()) - (this->begin.getY()) ) == 0 );

bool Linea::isDiagonal () const
	return ( this->isVertical() && this->isHorizontal() );


bool Linea::includes( int cord_X, int cord_Y ) const
	bool included = false;

	if ( this->isHorizontal() )
		if ( ( (this->begin).getY() == cord_Y ) && 

		     ( (this->begin).getX() <= cord_X ) &&

		     ( (this->end).getX() >= cord_X ) ||

		     ( (this->begin).getX() >= cord_X ) &&

		     ( (this->end).getX() <= cord_X ) )

				included = true;

	else if ( this->isVertical() )
		if ( ( (this->begin).getX() == cord_X ) && 

		     ( (this->begin).getY() <= cord_Y ) && 

		     ( (this->end).getY() >= cord_Y ) ||

		     ( (this->begin).getY() >= cord_Y ) && 
			 ( (this->end).getY() <= cord_Y ) )

				included = true;

		if ( ( cord_Y == this->m() * cord_X + this->b() ) && 

			( (this->begin).getX() <= cord_X ) && 
			( (this->end).getX() >= cord_X ) || 
			( (this->begin).getX() >= cord_X ) &&

			( (this->end).getY() >= cord_Y ) ||

			( (this->begin).getY() >= cord_Y ) &&

			( (this->end).getY() <= cord_Y ) )

				included = true;

	return ( included );


void Linea::draw() const
	cout << '.';



#pragma once

#include "Linea.h"

const int MAX = 100;

class LineCollection
	Linea lc[ MAX ];
	int quantity;

	LineCollection( const LineCollection &xLineCollection );

	// To know how many Lines are
	// ..in the collection
	int size() const;

	LineCollection operator = ( const LineCollection &xLineCollection );

	LineCollection &operator + ( const Linea &xLinea );

	Linea &operator [] ( int index );
	const Linea &operator[]( int index ) const;

	bool isFull() const;
	bool isEmpty() const;

	bool includes( const Linea &xLinea ) const;
	int indexOF( const Linea &xLinea ) const;

	friend ostream &operator << ( ostream &output, const LineCollection &xLineCollection );
	friend istream &operator >> ( istream &input, LineCollection &xLineCollection );



#include "LineCollection.h"

LineCollection::LineCollection( void )
	this->quantity = 0;

LineCollection::LineCollection( const LineCollection &xLineCollection )
	this->quantity = xLineCollection.quantity;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity ; i++ )
		( this->lc )[ i ] = ( xLineCollection.lc )[ i ];

LineCollection::~LineCollection( void ) {}


int LineCollection::size() const
	return ( this->quantity );


Linea &LineCollection::operator []( int index )
	return ( ( this->lc )[ index ] );

const Linea &LineCollection::operator []( int index ) const
	return ( ( this->lc )[ index ] );


LineCollection LineCollection::operator =( const LineCollection &xLineCollection )
	this->quantity = xLineCollection.quantity;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity ; i++ )
		( this->lc )[ i ] = ( xLineCollection.lc )[ i ];

	return ( *this );

LineCollection &LineCollection::operator +( const Linea &xLinea ) 
	(*this)[ this->quantity ] = xLinea;

	return ( *this );


bool LineCollection::isFull() const
	return ( this->quantity == MAX );

bool LineCollection::isEmpty() const
	return ( this->quantity == 0 );


bool LineCollection::includes(const Linea &xLinea) const
	bool thisOne = false;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity && ! thisOne ; i++ )
		if ( lc[i] == xLinea )
			thisOne = true;
	return ( thisOne );

int LineCollection::indexOF( const Linea &xLinea ) const
	int index = -1;

	for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->quantity && index == -1 ; i++ )
		if ( lc[i] == xLinea )
			index = i;

	return ( index );



#pragma once

#include "PointCollection.h"
#include "LineCollection.h"
#include "RectangleCollection.h"

const int MAXPAGE = 100;

class Page
	int heigh;
	int width;

	Page( void );
	Page( int width, int heigh );
	Page( const Page &xPage );
	~Page( void );

	void setWidth( int width );
	int getWidth() const;

	void setHeigh( int heigh );
	int getHeigh() const;

	bool operator == ( const Page &xPage ) const;

	void draw() const;

	Page &operator [] ( int index );
	const Page &operator[]( int index ) const;



#include "Page.h"

Page::Page( void )
	this->width = 0;
	this->heigh = 0;
	//int quantity = 0;

Page::Page( int width, int heigh )
	this->width = width;
	this->heigh = heigh;

Page::Page( const Page &xPage )
	this->width = xPage.width;
	this->heigh = xPage.heigh;

Page::~Page( void ) {}


void Page::setHeigh( int heigh )
	this->heigh = heigh;

void Page::setWidth( int width )
	this->width = width;

int Page::getHeigh() const
	return ( this->heigh );

int Page::getWidth() const
	return ( this->width );


void Page::draw() const
	bool included;
	PointCollection pc;
	LineCollection li;
	RectangleCollection rec;

	for( int y = 0 ; y < this->heigh ; y++ )
		included = false;

		for ( int x = 0; x < this->width ; x++ )
			for ( int p = 0 ; p < pc.size()  && !included ; p++ )

				if ( pc[ p ].includes( x, y ) )
					pc[ p ].draw();
					included = true;

				if ( included )
					cout << ' ';

			for ( int line = 0 ; line < li.size()  && !included ; line++ )

				if ( li[ line ].includes( x, y ) )
					li[ line ].draw();
					included = true;

				if ( included )
					cout << ' ';

			for ( int r = 0 ; r < rec.size() && !included ; r++ )
				if ( rec[ r ].includes( x, y ) )
					rec[ r ].draw();
					included = true;

				if ( included )
					cout << ' ';
		cout << endl;


bool Page::operator ==( const Page &xPage ) const
	bool isEquality = false;

	if( this->heigh == xPage.heigh && this->width == xPage.width )
		isEquality = true;

    return isEquality;


#include "Page.h"

int main ()
	Point p1( 5, 5 ), p2( 1, 1 );
	Linea L;
	Page pg( 15, 15 );



	L + p1;


	if ( p1.includes( 1, 1 ) == true )
		cout << "Point 1 & 2 are Equal" << "\n\n";
		cout << "Point 1 & 2 are NOT Equal" << "\n\n";

	return 0;


I'm Getting this Error when i try to sum the Line and the Dot to connect them even though i added an overloading of + in each collection. Please Help ?

------ Build started: Project: Project_Dibujo, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
c:\documents and settings\mpayne007\desktop\december 19333 update\project_dibujo\project_dibujo\main_.cpp(15) : error C2784: 'std::_String_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc> std::operator +(_String_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>::difference_type,std::_String_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>)' : could not deduce template argument for 'std::_String_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>' from 'Point'
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\xstring(438) : see declaration of 'std::operator +'
c:\documents and settings\mpayne007\desktop\december 19333 update\project_dibujo\project_dibujo\main_.cpp(15) : error C2784: 'std::_String_const_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc> std::operator +(_String_const_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>::difference_type,std::_String_const_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>)' : could not deduce template argument for 'std::_String_const_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>' from 'Point'
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\xstring(298) : see declaration of 'std::operator +'
c:\documents and settings\mpayne007\desktop\december 19333 update\project_dibujo\project_dibujo\main_.cpp(15) : error C2784: 'std::reverse_iterator<_RanIt> std::operator +(_Diff,const std::reverse_iterator<_RanIt> &)' : could not deduce template argument for 'const std::reverse_iterator<_RanIt> &' from 'Point'
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\xutility(1809) : see declaration of 'std::operator +'
c:\documents and settings\mpayne007\desktop\december 19333 update\project_dibujo\project_dibujo\main_.cpp(15) : error C2676: binary '+' : 'Linea' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator
Generating Code...
Generating Code...
Skipping... (no relevant changes detected)
Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\MPayne007\Desktop\December 19333 Update\Project_Dibujo\Project_Dibujo\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
Project_Dibujo - 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

No, you didn't overload it. L is type Linea . p1 is type Point .
Neither of these classes overload the "+" operator.

By the way, L + p1; is read as "sum L and p1 and throw away the result."

It should be something like: L = L + p1; or: L += p1; Hope this helps.

I need help on how to do the overloading in Linea and Point ?

Here's for Point

Point Point::operator +(const Point &xPoint) const
	Point P;

	P.x = this->x + xPoint.x;
	P.y = this->y + xPoint.y;

	return ( P );

Is this right ? because it doesn't work ? I did the same for linea.

Overloading only works when there is a function taking arguments of the exact same type as the things you are trying to operate on.

Since L + p1; is saying "add a Point (the type of p1) to a Linea (the type of L)" you must have an overloaded function specifically for handling these two things. For example: Linea &Linea::operator + ( Point &p ) That is, it is a function which overloads adding a Point to a Line.

I am wondering, do you mean to be adding a point to a Linea, or to a PointCollection? A Linea only has two points ("begin" and "end"), so adding a Point to it doesn't seem to make much sense. What exactly are you trying to do?

I have been stuck trying to do this simple program for a month now. I'm hopeless.

All i need to do is draw some dots and lines in a page. So far Every time i try to print 3 different dots in different coordinates in the page it just prints 3 consecutive dots.

What am I doing Wrong ? Can you help me out by writing what's missing ?

It appears that you are trying to do ASCII graphics. Is that right?

To me you appear to be trying to draw a collection of '.' to the console (or page or grid or even a file---the latter so you could print it on paper if you wanted). However, at the moment Point.draw() and Linea.draw() just output a single '.' at the current location on the console, not at specified locations on the console. If my assumption is correct, then you're going to need to develop a routine to place each of the dots in the desired location within a page/grid and then print the page/grid to the console/file. To accomplish this I would set up a 2 d array of spaces as the default. Then I'd put a '.' in the desired elements of the 2d array such that they represent a Point or a Line, etc. Then I'd just print out the entire page as a single unit and not try to print out each individual Point or Line.

A Line called line with the following begin/end values
line.begin.X = 2;
line.begin.Y = 1;
line.end.X = 5;
line.end.Y = 1;

line placed on a Page defined as char grid[10][10];

//put "Points" in line on the grid
for(int i = line.begin.X; i < line.end.X; i++)
  for(int j = line.begin.Y; j < line.end.Y; ++j)
    grid[i][j] = '.';

//display the grid, which will show line on the console
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
  for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
    cout << grid[i][j];

The only problem then is, does a line with begin at (2,1) and end at (5,1) have 3 '.' (5-2 == 3) or 4 '.' (representing (2,1) (3,1) (4,1) (5,1)). The difference will deteremine whether you use < or <= in the placement to the grid routine. I arbitrarally chose the former, but the latter is valid as well.

Still cant figure it out.

What do i put in the main() function that will let me print points and lines anywhere in the page i want ?

to rephrase what lerner already said{and add a little sugar!} if you want to output to screen {a line, a dot or whatever} you must use directly the OS's api or some framework thats supports graphics like Qt , MFC or .NET..... On the other hand if you just want to print a line in the console {for educational purposes i guess} you should have a 2dimensional character array char grid[10][10] initialized with zeros do all the changes in this array and then output the whole array in the console {that wouldbe a primitive ascii art}

hope that helped

Here's as basic a program as I can write that creates Points and Lines, places them on a Page, and prints the Page, which may contain 0 or more Points or Lines, to the screen. This isn't how I would submit it to an instructor, but it get's the job done. You can embelish it to your hearts content.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct Point
  int X;
  int Y;

struct Line
  Point begin;
  Point end;

struct Page
  char grid[10][10];
  void placePointOnGrid(Point);
  void placeLineOnGrid(Line);
  void draw();

  for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
      grid[i][j] = ' ';

void Page::placePointOnGrid(Point p)
  grid[p.X][p.Y] = '.';

void Page::placeLineOnGrid(Line line)
  int i, j;
  if(line.begin.X == line.end.X) //horizontal
    i = line.begin.X;
    for(j = line.begin.Y; j <= line.end.Y; ++j)
      grid[i][j] = '.';
  else if(line.begin.Y == line.end.Y) //vertical
    j = line.begin.Y;
    for(i = line.begin.X; i <= line.end.X; ++i)
      grid[i][j] = '.';

void Page::draw()
  for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
      cout << grid[i][j];
    cout << endl;

int main()
  Page page;

  Point pt;
  pt.X = 7;
  pt.Y = 7;


  Line line;
  line.begin.X = 2;
  line.begin.Y = 2;
  line.end.X = 2;
  line.end.Y = 5;


  line.begin.X = 0;
  line.begin.Y = 0;
  line.end.X = 9;
  line.end.Y = 0;


  char ch;
  cin >> ch;

  return 0;

Here's a shorter version of the code, without the Line.


#pragma once

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Point
	int x;
	int y;

	Point( int x, int y );
	Point( const Point &xPoint );

	void setX( int x );
	int getX() const;

	void setY( int y );
	int getY() const;

	Point & operator = ( const Point &xPoint );

	bool operator == ( const Point &xPoint ) const;

	bool includes( int cord_X, int cord_Y ) const;
	bool includes( const Point &xPoint ) const;

	void draw() const;



#include "Point.h"

Point::Point( void )
	this->x = 0;
	this->y = 0;

Point::Point( int x, int y )
	this->x = x;
	this->y = y;

Point::Point( const Point &xPoint )
	this->x = xPoint.x;
	this->y = xPoint.y;

Point::~Point( void ) {}


void Point::setX( int x ) // set X
	this->x = x;

void Point::setY( int y ) // set Y
	this->y = y;

int Point::getX() const // get X
	return ( this->x );

int Point::getY() const // get Y
	return ( this->y );


Point &Point::operator = ( const Point &xPoint )
	if( this != &xPoint )
		this->x = xPoint.x;
		this->y = xPoint.y;

	return ( *this );

bool Point::includes( int cord_X, int cord_Y ) const
	return ( this->x == cord_X && this->y == cord_Y );

void Point::draw() const
	cout << '.';


bool Point::operator == ( const Point &xPoint ) const
	bool isEquality = false;
	if( this->x == xPoint.x && this->y == xPoint.y )
	isEquality = true;
	return isEquality;



#pragma once

#include "Point.h"

const int MAXPoint = 100;

class PointCollection
	Point pts[ MAXPoint ];
	int quantity;

	PointCollection( void );
	PointCollection( const PointCollection &xPointCollection );
	~PointCollection( void );

	// To know how many Points are
	// ..in the collection
	int size() const; 

	PointCollection operator = ( const PointCollection &xPointCollection );

	PointCollection &operator + ( const Point &xPoint );
	Point &operator[]( int index );
	const Point &operator[]( int index ) const;

	bool isFull() const;
	bool isEmpty() const;

	bool includes( const Point &xPoint ) const;
	int indexOf( const Point &xPoint ) const;



#include "PointCollection.h"

PointCollection::PointCollection( void )
	this->quantity = 0;

PointCollection::PointCollection( const PointCollection &xPointCollection )
	this->quantity = xPointCollection.quantity;

	for ( int i = 0; i < this->quantity; i++ )
		( this->pts )[ i ] = ( xPointCollection.pts )[ i ];

PointCollection::~PointCollection( void ) {}


int PointCollection::size() const
	return ( this->quantity );


Point &PointCollection::operator []( int index )
	return ( ( this->pts )[ index ] );

const Point &PointCollection::operator []( int index ) const
	return ( ( this->pts )[ index ] );


PointCollection PointCollection::operator =( const PointCollection &xPointCollection )
	this->quantity = xPointCollection.quantity;

	for ( int i = 0; i < this->quantity; i++ )
		( this->pts )[ i ] = ( xPointCollection.pts )[ i ];

	return ( *this );

PointCollection &PointCollection::operator +( const Point &xPoint )
	(*this)[ this->quantity ] = xPoint;


	return ( *this );


bool PointCollection::isFull() const
	return ( this->quantity == MAXPoint );

bool PointCollection::isEmpty() const
	return ( this->quantity == 0 );


bool PointCollection::includes( const Point &xPoint ) const
	bool thisOne = false;

	for ( int i = 0; i < this->quantity && ! thisOne; i++ )
		if( pts[ i ] == xPoint )
			thisOne = true;

	return ( thisOne );

int PointCollection::indexOf( const Point &xPoint ) const
	int index = -1;

	for ( int i = 0; i < this->quantity && index == -1; i++ )
		if( pts[ i ] == xPoint )
			index = i;

	return ( index );


#pragma once

#include "PointCollection.h"

const int MAXPAGE = 100;

class Page
	int heigh;
	int width;

	Page( void );
	Page( int width, int heigh );
	Page( const Page &xPage );
	~Page( void );

	void setWidth( int width );
	int getWidth() const;

	void setHeigh( int heigh );
	int getHeigh() const;

	bool operator == ( const Page &xPage ) const;

	void draw() const;



#include "Page.h"

Page::Page( void )
	this->width = 0;
	this->heigh = 0;

Page::Page( int width, int heigh )
	this->width = width;
	this->heigh = heigh;

Page::Page( const Page &xPage )
	this->width = xPage.width;
	this->heigh = xPage.heigh;

Page::~Page( void ) {}


void Page::setHeigh( int heigh )
	this->heigh = heigh;

void Page::setWidth( int width )
	this->width = width;

int Page::getHeigh() const
	return ( this->heigh );

int Page::getWidth() const
	return ( this->width );


void Page::draw() const
	bool included;
	PointCollection pc;

	for( int y = 0; y < this->heigh; y++ )
		included = false;

		for ( int x = 0; x < this->width; x++ )
			for ( int p = 0; p < pc.size()  && !included; p++ )

				if ( pc[ p ].includes( x, y ) )
					pc[ p ].draw();
					included = true;

				if ( included )
					cout << ' ';

		cout << endl;


bool Page::operator ==( const Page &xPage ) const
	bool isEquality = false;

	if( this->heigh == xPage.heigh && this->width == xPage.width )
		isEquality = true;

	return isEquality;


#include "Page.h"

int main ()
	Point p1( 5, 5 ), p2( 1, 1 );
	Page pg( 15, 15 );



	return 0;


This has nothing to do with Graphics.

I only want p1.draw() to be printed on the location ( 5, 5 ) ( x, y ) in the page.

You are not moving the cursor at right place before you do a "cout"
Ycan move cursor by including one more function in your point class
in point.h
add a member funtion in the point class

void gotoxy(int , int ) const ;

in point .cpp add following.

void Point::gotoxy(int x, int y) const
	HANDLE hConsoleOutput;
	COORD Cursor_Pos = {x, y};

	hConsoleOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
	SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsoleOutput, Cursor_Pos);

use it in your draw member function

void Point::draw() const
commented: Solved a problem a lot of people couldn't solve. +1
commented: I have to admit this, it is hell alot of code to read, and you manage to solve it. +3

Thank You Very much. I can't begin to express my gratitude for helping me out on this. Now i can add the rest of my classes without any problem.

Thank You. :icon_smile:


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