
I have a script, when I run it The output overlaps : Example

Instead of saying
Canadian 1.00 Dollar
it would say something Canadian Dollar00

I also need to know how to find the amount of decimal places in a variable and also how to check if a variable contains a comma (,)
and if it does contain a comma, I want it to output something like "Comma Found" if no comma then output " No Comma Found"

If you have msn messnger please pm me your msn ID. I really need help with this :(

I can't post the script :( because it's like 400lines.. :(

Sent you PM on this site since I don't use MSN.


, Mike

Hey There

Sent you email and PM with the fixes you were looking for. I don't want to post them for you, but your script wasn't too big to put up here.

Hope I helped you out :)

, Mike

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