I have developed application in VB5 on a mchine with Windows XP Home SP2, and saved
as .exe files.

When i run this application on another machine error report is generated:

This application has failed to start because MSVBVM50.DLL was not found.
Can you hlep me.


MSVBVM50.DLL was not found in new machine. if you want to run your application on new another machine you must build a package. in the package of your project definitely have a MSVBVM50.DLL file. but the exe file will running good without package if you run the exe file on the new computer which it has already install vb5, cause the computer contain MSVBVM50.DLL file when vb 5 installed.

This application has failed to start because MSVBVM50.DLL was not found.

I can't remember back that far:VB5.
But if there's a Package and Deployment Wizard, package your application into an installer using it and install the program using the Package and Deployment Wizard. That should take care of your dependencies.

If MSVBVM50.DLL is the only DLL you need to install, you can just copy it to the Windows\sytem32 directory. Go to a command prompt and changed to that directory. And then enter the following at the prompt:

c:\Windows\System32>regsvr32 MSVBVM50.dll

That should solve your problem with that one file. But you might find others after you fix this one.


as hank said you might find other after you fix that one.like if you use open dialog control on your project.when you try to run exe file without installing you will get error message said comdlg32 was not found and many more if u use many component in your project

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