hello friends

i want to clear screen after inputing data before it displays what ever the program intend to do. is there some function or special character to do that ?

secondly i want to increase size of fonts where i type my program. i try to look around but could not get through. please help otherwise i need glasses soon.

thanks for any tip in advance.

Without knowing which operating system / Compiler you're using, and the type of application you're trying to write, both questions are unanswerable.

Or we could make random guesses until someone gets lucky.

If you're using Dev-C++ or a similer compiler on a computer running windows as an OS, and the output somes up in a cprompt window, then you can use:


For some reason people don't like to use this though. Maybe because it's compiler or output window specific or something, but it's always worked for me. Anyways, if you need any more help, or if this doesn't work just post something and I'll take a look. ^_^

yeah, its windows specific - not standard c++

Oh, thanks!! ^_^ I've always wondered why people told me not to use it. But seriously, most people (that I know anyways) use windows. I know one person who uses Linux and the only place that I ever see a Mac is at school.

>I know one person who uses Linux and the only place that I ever see a Mac is at school.
So you have two examples in your everyday life where non-portable code would be a problem. :icon_rolleyes:

Yes, Narue I do, but I'm not going to argue this with you as you always so to end up with person attacks instead of proffesional advice. As for peeta, if you just just look at the bottom of the screen where similar threads are listed, then you should find an answer!! ^_^

commented: Quite uncalled for. -4

>I'm not going to argue this with you as you always so to
>end up with person attacks instead of proffesional advice
I see. Clearly you haven't read many of my posts then. I guess since you think so little of me, I'll save my professional advice for someone else. Good day.

Listen to the master. I must agree that Narue sometimes seems a bit harsh but you cannot deny that she knows a LOT about c++.

Yeah, I does, that's why I sent her a PM appologizing and saying something to the same effect. ^_^

Member Avatar for iamthwee

>I must agree that Narue sometimes seems a bit harsh
She does this because this is her way of dealing with the fact she works in a field dominated by guys. She hits out to get noticed.

I say, take up the pole dancing full time, and quit the programming narue. No one should have to work two jobs just to make ends meet. Plus - the dancing is more feminine.

>She does this because this is her way of dealing with
>the fact she works in a field dominated by guys.
Perhaps I lucked out and got into a good company, but I seem to be "one of the guys" at work. I don't have to act harsh to fit in. In fact, if my experience online is any indicator, acting harsh would have the opposite effect.

>She hits out to get noticed.
Yep, sometimes you have to smack people around before they'll listen to you.

>I say, take up the pole dancing full time
I don't have the coordination for pole dancing. ;)

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Oh I disagree...you have the coordination, you're just not that photogenic, why else did you take your photo of your website?

>why else did you take your photo of your website?
Too many invitations? :)

Member Avatar for iamthwee

um kay, you have self belief, that's endearing. Anyway, I think you are getting off topic. You should stop now.

wow this thread has gone so offtopic ;)

ouch.. friends we really gone of topic. sorry i forgot to mention that i am mac user and i am using Xcode. i got my answer about clear screen. Any idea about increasing font size.
Appreciate all of you who taking time to look at my post and trying to help.

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