I'm new to this site so please excuse any errors in etiquette or format.

I have Visual Basic 4.0 (Please don't laugh!). It works fine on my desktop but when I installed it onto my new laptop running Windows Vista I get an error message " 'olepro32.dll' could not be registered". Is there a fix? If there is, can someone explain it in simple terminology?


>>Is there a fix?
Yes -- don't install that on Vista. Most old compilers don't work very well, if at all, on Vista. The good news is that you can download the newest version VB 2008 Express free from here.

Did you check your installer? maybe the problem is your installer... I just guess. try this out (I dont know if it will work, but have a try please) search in your old pc the 'olepro32.dll' then try to save/copy it in your new laptop... (that's what I did when my program have a trouble on .dll's

search in your old pc the 'olepro32.dll' then try to save/copy it in your new laptop... (that's what I did when my program have a trouble on .dll's

That's pretty dangerous because the old version is probably not the same as the version installed by Vista. You could wind up crashing your whole operating system, causing you to reinstall everything. Better to just download the newest version of VB which everyone knows runs ok on Vista.

If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.

I'm new to this site so please excuse any errors in etiquette or format.

I have Visual Basic 4.0 (Please don't laugh!). It works fine on my desktop but when I installed it onto my new laptop running Windows Vista I get an error message " 'olepro32.dll' could not be registered". Is there a fix? If there is, can someone explain it in simple terminology?


No problem.

Vista hasn't got that file.
Find the file on your desktop. copy it to a floppy or memory stick.Copy the file to your windows/system folder of your laptop.
That's it.

Hey who used this? I don't remember I've replid to this thread. Who the f**k hack my account.

Did you check your installer? maybe the problem is your installer... I just guess. try this out (I dont know if it will work, but have a try please) search in your old pc the 'olepro32.dll' then try to save/copy it in your new laptop... (that's what I did when my program have a trouble on .dll's

I was able to install VB4-32 on my desktop with windows-7 and it ran ok. I installed it on my laptop with windows-7 and I get the message " 'olepro32.dll' could not be registered". I will look for the olepro32.dll file later.

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