Sorry for "spamming" But this is really really important for a school project.
1. Can anyone of you paste me back the whole code that will make a textbox
saying,"username already taken" When you try to create different account with same username.
2. If possible, publishing the program and then people creates accounts and it saves
on 1 server that will let them login from different computers, because this won't work
with other people from other computers.
Thanks once again / macbrutal
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim namefile As String
namefile = Text1.Text
Open App.Path & "\Accounts\" + namefile + ".txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, Text1.Text
Print #1, Text2.Text
Print #1, Text3.Text
Print #1, Text4.Text
Close #1
MsgBox "Thank you for your registration, please login!"
End Sub